For our third Sunday in Advent we had the option of two services at 10 am In Church there was sung Mattins taken by Father Roger, while in t...
We reach the fourth Sunday of Advent and lit the last Candle of the Advent Wreath before Christmas and the white candle s added. A lovely se...
At 6pm we met for our traditional service of 9 Lessons and Carols. The Church was bathed in candle light and the Congregation and choir san...
Father Chris had help to light the second Advent Candle, before celebrating the Eucharist at 10 am. This Sunday our thoughts were with the s...
We have had a busy Christmas at St Marys! Our 9 Lessons and Carol Service was held on the 17th of December, with traditional Lessons and Ca...
For Remembrance Sunday we had a 10 am Eucharist celebrated by Father Chris and observed the 2 minutes silence at 11 in Church, and read the ...
Thankfully Storm Bert hasn't damaged the church, although the strong wind kept opening the south door during the service. The Sunday Sch...
And so we reach Christmas Morning, we had an all age Eucharist and it was lovely to see lots of families worshiping together. We wish everyo...
The first Sunday in the month our 10 am service was a family eucharist. The weather has returned to the glorious sunshine so the church was ...
***Tickets for the Selsey performances are sold out **** David Flint – Actor David toured with The National Youth Theatre in Coriolanus an...
26 February 2020
This evening we met to celebrate the Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes on the first day of Lent.
The following is taken from The Church Of England website:-
Lent may originally have followed Epiphany, just as Jesus’ sojourn in the wilderness followed immediately on his baptism, but it soon became firmly attached to Easter, as the principal occasion for baptism and for the reconciliation of those who had been excluded from the Church’s fellowship for apostasy or serious faults. This history explains the characteristic notes of Lent – self-examination, penitence, self-denial, study, and preparation for Easter, to which alms giving has traditionally been added.
Now is the healing time decreed
for sins of heart and word and deed,
when we in humble fear record
the wrong that we have done the Lord.
(Latin, before 12th century)
As the candidates for baptism were instructed in Christian faith, and as penitents prepared themselves, through fasting and penance, to be readmitted to communion, the whole Christian community was invited to join them in the process of study and repentance, the extension of which over forty days would remind them of the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, being tested by Satan.
Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence; from the middle ages it became the custom to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross. The calculation of the forty days has varied considerably in Christian history. It is now usual in the West to count them continuously to the end of Holy Week (not including Sundays), so beginning Lent on the sixth Wednesday before Easter, Ash Wednesday. Liturgical dress is the simplest possible. Churches are kept bare of flowers and decoration. Gloria in excelsis is not used. The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetareor Refreshment Sunday) was allowed as a day of relief from the rigour of Lent, and the Feast of the Annunciation almost always falls in Lent; these breaks from austerity are the background to the modern observance of Mothering Sunday on the Fourth Sunday of Lent.
As Holy Week approaches, the atmosphere of the season darkens; the readings begin to anticipate the story of Christ’s suffering and death, and the reading of the Passion Narrative gave to the Fifth Sunday its name of Passion Sunday. There are many devotional exercises which may be used in Lent and Holy Week outside the set liturgy. The Stations of the Cross, made popular in the West by the Franciscans after they were granted custody of the Christian sites in the Holy Land, are the best known.
The following is taken from The Church Of England website:-
Lent may originally have followed Epiphany, just as Jesus’ sojourn in the wilderness followed immediately on his baptism, but it soon became firmly attached to Easter, as the principal occasion for baptism and for the reconciliation of those who had been excluded from the Church’s fellowship for apostasy or serious faults. This history explains the characteristic notes of Lent – self-examination, penitence, self-denial, study, and preparation for Easter, to which alms giving has traditionally been added.
Now is the healing time decreed
for sins of heart and word and deed,
when we in humble fear record
the wrong that we have done the Lord.
(Latin, before 12th century)
As the candidates for baptism were instructed in Christian faith, and as penitents prepared themselves, through fasting and penance, to be readmitted to communion, the whole Christian community was invited to join them in the process of study and repentance, the extension of which over forty days would remind them of the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, being tested by Satan.
Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence; from the middle ages it became the custom to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross. The calculation of the forty days has varied considerably in Christian history. It is now usual in the West to count them continuously to the end of Holy Week (not including Sundays), so beginning Lent on the sixth Wednesday before Easter, Ash Wednesday. Liturgical dress is the simplest possible. Churches are kept bare of flowers and decoration. Gloria in excelsis is not used. The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetareor Refreshment Sunday) was allowed as a day of relief from the rigour of Lent, and the Feast of the Annunciation almost always falls in Lent; these breaks from austerity are the background to the modern observance of Mothering Sunday on the Fourth Sunday of Lent.
As Holy Week approaches, the atmosphere of the season darkens; the readings begin to anticipate the story of Christ’s suffering and death, and the reading of the Passion Narrative gave to the Fifth Sunday its name of Passion Sunday. There are many devotional exercises which may be used in Lent and Holy Week outside the set liturgy. The Stations of the Cross, made popular in the West by the Franciscans after they were granted custody of the Christian sites in the Holy Land, are the best known.
Service Times
First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service
Second Sunday in the Month
Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service
Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist
10:00am Parish Eucharist
Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall
Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist
Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.
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