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29 September 2014
This Sunday we welcome Father Stephen back amongst us, as we had a busy day celebrating both St Michael and All Angels, and the Dedication of our beautiful church in the 12th century, and using this occasion to think about our stewardship of our beautiful church to support its functions in our community.
Our service was the Eucharist, and in our prayers we remembered all Christians, but especially those who are persecuted. In his Sermon Father Stephen developed the ideas of giving, regularly with the envelop scheme or by standing order, and asked us to consider that just £1 more each week from everyone would cover our outgoings and allow us opportunity to give to our chosen charities and causes. We have all contributed to our new annex, which will begin to be built next year, but everyone is aware of the increases in electricity and gas charges and we need to cover these as well. Always a difficult subject to speak about, Father Stephen encouraged us to think and act to continue the worship at St Mary's which has been continuous for nearly 1000 years, so that it may continue for a further 1000!
The choir sang Ave Verum in the setting by WA Mozart as the Anthem.

There were a number of notices, Next week is Harvest, the Choir will sing in the Cathedral next Saturday morning for a communion service for the prayer book society. The setting is by Harold Dark in F. this will be at 10:30. Calenders for 2015 that were pre-ordered will be available after church on the next 2 Sundays.

Ours in trust for the future!
23 September 2014
The third Sunday in September, our 10:00 o'clock service was sung Matins. Lead by Father Roger we sang the Canticles and part of Psalm 145. The lessons, from the King James Bible were part of the story of Jonah and the parable of the workers in the Vineyard. Father Roger enlarged on the story of Jonah in his sermon. We had coffee after the service, and a lovely sunny, still September day greeted us as we left Church.
There is a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan, to include a musical interlude on Friday morning in the Church Hall 10:30 to 12;30, all welcome.

16 September 2014
Today our 10:00 service was the Eucharist, the Celebrant was Father Roger, who is looking after us while Father Stephen is away. This Sunday was Holy Cross Day, when we think about the significance of the Cross to us as Christans. Our Hymns reflected this theme and Father Roger preached on the subject. The choir sang 'God so Loved the World' in the setting by Stainer.
There was coffee after the service, and in the lovely warm weather we are having, some people drank their coffee out side in the church yard.

Please note Tom Cooper Price will give us a recital of Piano Music on the 26th of October, followed by Tea in church. Details of times to follow but  put the date in your diary!! Proceeds to the New Annex Fund.

04 September 2014
This Sunday, the last in August, marks the end of the summer holidays. Our service at 10am on this fifth Sunday was a celebration of the Eucharist. Joanna Chivers Gibb our organist took a well deserved sunday off, and the service was accompanied on the piano by Beryl Rodd, many thanks to Beryl for standing in. Those choir memembers who were present sat around the piano to sing the service giving them quite a different perspective of the service. Father Stephen was the Celebrent, and in our intersessions we prayed especially for our fellow Christians being persecuted in Iraq.
There was coffee after the servuce and we came out of Church to a beautiful late summers day.

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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