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25 April 2016
Today in our Eucharistic service we had the delightful pleasure of sharing the Baptism of Freddie, who's parents were also married at St Marys 2 years ago. The Eucharist and Baptism were conducted by Father Stephen and many family and friends joined us for the service. It was a very joyful occasion.
The Choir sang the Ave Verum in the setting by Edward Elgar. There was coffee after the service.

There will be a church yard working party next Saturday morning, come and give a hand if you can!!
21 April 2016
There was a Bluebell Walk on Sunday 17th April in aid of the Parish Rooms Annexe project.

Bluebell Woods

All were welcome, including dogs.

The group looking after the fire.

Queueing for refreshments

Fun was had by all

The Bluebell walk attracted 150 people made up of 105 adults and 45 children.
The event raised £552.70 for the Parish Rooms project.
17 April 2016

 Being Good Shepherd Sunday, we had Psalm 23 in various forms. It was indeed the psalm for the day, but the choir echoed the psalm in “Brother James’s Air” a traditional air arranged for SATB by Gordon Jacobs and a number of the hymns were versions of Psalm 23.

Father Stephen’s sermon started with a reference to the Old Testament reading about Noah and the flood. Our lovely 1750 chandelier has a dove with an olive branch in its mouth, the leaf of which has been coloured green. He told us that today was Good Shepherd Sunday and remembered a picnic, where his repast was pinched by a flock of sheep on the Brecon Beacons! “For we like sheep have gone astray”. Sheep are usually docile when not pinching picnics. Father Stephen is our shepherd and we are his flock. We need to be sheep, not wolves. The second reading was about Jesus in Jerusalem for the rededication of the temple. It needed to be rededicated as the Babylonians and the Greeks had defiled it. Jesus is in Solomon’s portico, some way from the temple, possibly sheltering from the ravages of winter. The Jews ask Jesus who is he? Is he the Messiah? Why not tell them? Father Stephen remembered taking his youth group to a performance of “Jesus Christ Superstar” when he was a curate and “Are you who people say you are?” is a famous line from the show. Jesus equivocates. He keeps his sheep safe. With the recent revelations about Justin Welby, he said that he knows who he is in Jesus Christ, not in genetics, when it was reported that his father is not his genetic father. We should all know who we are in Jesus Christ.

11 April 2016
This morning our 10:00 am service was a Eucharist celebrated by Father Stephen. On a fine spring morning we met to continue hearing the story of Jesus appearing to his Disciples after his Resurrection. In today's gospel we were told of his appearance on the shore of the sea of Galilee early in the  morning, as the Disciples returned from fishing. In this story, as in many other accounts of the risen Lord, He shared food with his followers. In his sermon Father Stephen continued this theme pointing out that He appeared to the Disciples and followers, not to the Authorities, secular or religious. He often shared food with them, as we share bread and wine in the Eucharist to remember him. He is to be found today among the everyday, and that is where we should look for Him, as we help those around us in our community, the Lord is with us.
The Choir sang A Prayer of Saint Richard of Chichester setting by L J White (1831 -1913) There was coffee after the service.
Do join us next Sunday afternoon for a 'Walk on the Wild Side' a stroll around the bluebells in Keynor Copse, activities for children and refreshments available, proceeds to the New Rooms Project!

05 April 2016
This morning we had our Family Eucharist at 10:00am. This Sunday is traditionally called Low Sunday as it follows the excitement of Easter, but it continues the Easter feast with stories of Jesus' appearances to his Disciples after his resurrection This morning we heard the story of Thomas, who needed to see to believe, and in the presentation by the Sunday School, Chris Field and the children talked about how they learn about Faith and its components, as they move through the school on their Christian journey.
There was no formal choir presence, so a communion hymn, Bread of Heaven, was sung by all. Joanna played Choral Song by Samuel Sebastian Wesley at the end of the service, a song of praise to our risen Lord. There was coffee after the service.

Do join us for our 'Walk on the Wild Side' a stroll through the bluebells in Keynor Copse, with refreshments afterwards, on Sunday 17th April in the afternoon. Proceeds to the Parish Rooms.

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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