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30 June 2019
This morning at our 10 am Eucharist we celebrated the Feast of St Peter of St Paul. Father Roger was the Celebrant today as Father Stephen is taking a break. The first reading was the story of St Peter's miraculous escape from prison, and in his sermon Father Roger told us that there are some churches in England dedicated to St Peter ad Vincula  literally St Peter in Chains, indeed Father Roger and Christina were married in a church with such a dedication, he contrasted the simple fisherman, St Peter with the educated St Paul, perhaps an 'Odd Couple' but bringing together the man who knew Our Lord personally, and the man who took the message out to the gentiles. A powerful combination.

As it was a 5th Sunday the choir sang the Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei  in the setting by Herbert Sumsion, and the anthem was 'Give us the wings of faith' by Bulloch. After the service there was coffee in the Parish Rooms.

The Fete draws ever nearer, Jamjars with lids needed for the Tombolla, and any contributions to stalls. Do enter your flowers, produce, and craft work in the Mini Show, entry form in the Parish Magazine!

24 June 2019
This morning we met at 10 am for a Parish Eucharist, celebrating the birth of St John the Baptist.. Our readings, from St Paul and St Luke, described the back ground to and birth of St John the Baptist, and in his sermon, Father Stephen discussed the role of St John as the forerunner of Our Lord. He talked about the Salvation won for us by the cross and how we have not been left alone, but are supported in our journey through life by the Holy Spirit.

The Choir sang 'Tantum Ergo' in the setting by Louis Vierne as the anthem.

Excellent news in the notices, the lovely concert last week by Chichester Voices raised £716 for Sage House, our local dementia charity, Fantastic!!

The Fete (July 27th) approaches fast, Donations of Jam Jars (clean with lids) for the Jam Jar Tombola, for books and for clothes for the boutique all requested now!!

20 June 2019
You will be pleased to know that the concert last Sunday (16th June) raised £716 for Dementia Support.
17 June 2019
This morning our 10 am service was Sung Mattins. On a wet and rainy morning we enjoyed a service of prayer and praise with some lovely music! The choir sang the Te Deum in the setting by Herbert Sumson, and the Anthem was 'ye servants of th'all bounteous Lord' by S Webbe Jr.

Father Stephen preached on the mystery of the Trinity, not easy to understand, and therefor a Holy Mystery, and yet St Patrick's analogy of the three leafed clover makes it more simple for us.

For the first time at a Mattins we had a choir award presented. Alex, out newest chorister was presented with his light blue ribbon. Joanna Chivers the director of music explained the process of the awards and that Alex was now free of L plates and off and runningvin his musical life.

There was coffee after the service.

In the afternoon at 3:00 pm we were treated to a fantastic concert of choral music from Chichester Voices, who were singing on behalf of Dementia Needs and Sage House, a local charity caring for those with dementia and their family friends and carers. This lovely programme of afternoon music included a variety of choral works, and a beautiful performance by Alex Palmer of two pieces for Flute, Syrinx, by Claude Debussy, and A movement of a Handel concerto. This was followed by Tea in the Rooms, and a magnificent tea it was too. A good sized audience enjoyed the singing and their enthusiasm produced an excellent encore of  'The Bare necessities of Life' from the Jungle Book!

11 June 2019
Today is Pentecost or Whitsuntide.  The lovely flowers in church reflected the tongues of flame representing the Holy Spirit. 

We also have the special seasonal plate in the window.

The church yard is also looking lovely despite the lack of rain.

Father Roger gave us the sermon today. He referred to our first reading which told of the very first Pentecost. The people who witnessed it were as amazed as at Jesus's miracles. Pentecost means 50 days since Easter. It is also a celebration of receiving the law on Mount Sinai.

Jesus's ministry of around 3 years had run its course. Was the main event over?  Fr Roger recounted the thrill of building a deep pond at his first house in Selsey.  Once it was finished, he thought this was the end of the project, but in fact, it was only the beginning as nature took hold and the pond began to fill with life.  It was very exciting.

So it is with Pentecost. It is a new beginning. Our time AFTER Jesus's ministry is not an anti climax. his work continues throughout history and in the world.

The Holy Spirit demands awe and respect, it speaks of God Himself, it is a link to the sacrament, and is self effacing.

We live by faith and reverence. The Spirit blows where He wills, inside and outside of the church.  St Paul lists the fruit of the Spirit.  We should allow God to work in us.  Spirit mean power and Ghost and invisible presence.

During the notices, Father Stephen exhorted us to go and look at the Sunday School display, so I did and too a photo of it for you.

Next week on Sunday afternoon at 3pm, come to hear Chichester Voices who will be entertaining you followed by a legendary St Mary's Church tea!  Tickets are £12 and £10 for children and OAPs. You can get tickets from Janet (church warden) and on the door.

And speaking of afternoon teas, the Sunday School made Holy Spirit cup cakes which they proudly showed to Fr Stephen, before devouring them!

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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