The first weekend in February and our services were an all age Eucharist at 10 am. To make the story of the presentation of Our Lord in the ...
We reach the last Sunday in January and our 10 am service was a Eucharist celebrated by Father Chris. We continue to look at the early life ...
The Sunday after the Fete and we had an 'end of term' feeling in church today. Father Roger took the service a Parish Eucharist, an...
This morning our 10 am service was a Eucharist, celebrated by Father Chris. The children left for their own session after the first hymn and...
Isaiah 43:1-7 A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah. Thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: D...
the third Sunday in January and a choice of services at 10 am. In the Church Matins and in the Hall, crafty communion. The choir sand the Be...
This morning, the third Sunday in February we had 2 services at 10 am. In the Church Hall the youngsters and their families had Crafty Commu...
St Mary's churchyard is a spiritual and sacred place. We ask all who visit our churchyard to honour it and those who are buried here. Ou...
We came together this morning at 10 o'clock for our Eucharist service. The weather has been very cold in recent weeks, but plenty of peo...
This morning we met at 10 am for our Eucharist celebration. The long spell of fine weather had broken and there was heavy rain all morning. ...
21 January 2018
Dr Lesley was away today, so no photo's I'm afraid.
Father Stephen's sermon was as follows:
At this time of the year it is usual to go to a performance of a pantomime or ballet. Father Stephen remembered going to Coven Garden to see a production of the ballet "The Nutcracker". The transformation scene had a huge impact on him, when the mice come out and the toys have their moment. In particular, there was a Christmas tree and it grew and grew. Quite an achievement of the production team. However the Gospel reading today of the miracle in Cana of the turning of water into wine is not a magic trick but a transformation. When Jesus chose his new disciples, they were not taken to a retreat or an intensive course over a few days, but to a lively wedding feast. Weddings at the time of Jesus would have lasted a week, with the guests going to their usual day job and returning to the celebration in the evening. It would have been a huge humiliation in society to run out of wine. When Mary appeals to Jesus she gets "the brush off" from Jesus, but still tells the servants to do exactly as he says. This begins Jesus' ministry, a miracle of social niceties rather than healing. The disciples saw the miracle and knew his glory. The turning of water into wine prefigures the lavishness of the heavenly banquet and the generosity of God, to enrich lives and bring luxury into poverty.
In Christ, God makes all things new and perfects in us the image of his glory.
Don't forget to get your tickets for the Moroccan Dinner on 10th February from the Church wardens. A few people have asked if the food will be spicy - yes, but in the way a mince pie at Christmas is spicy, not like a hot Indian curry.
Also don't forget the Silent Auction on the 3rd March and to volunteer now for the summer fete on 28th July. Get the dates into your diary.
Father Stephen's sermon was as follows:
At this time of the year it is usual to go to a performance of a pantomime or ballet. Father Stephen remembered going to Coven Garden to see a production of the ballet "The Nutcracker". The transformation scene had a huge impact on him, when the mice come out and the toys have their moment. In particular, there was a Christmas tree and it grew and grew. Quite an achievement of the production team. However the Gospel reading today of the miracle in Cana of the turning of water into wine is not a magic trick but a transformation. When Jesus chose his new disciples, they were not taken to a retreat or an intensive course over a few days, but to a lively wedding feast. Weddings at the time of Jesus would have lasted a week, with the guests going to their usual day job and returning to the celebration in the evening. It would have been a huge humiliation in society to run out of wine. When Mary appeals to Jesus she gets "the brush off" from Jesus, but still tells the servants to do exactly as he says. This begins Jesus' ministry, a miracle of social niceties rather than healing. The disciples saw the miracle and knew his glory. The turning of water into wine prefigures the lavishness of the heavenly banquet and the generosity of God, to enrich lives and bring luxury into poverty.
In Christ, God makes all things new and perfects in us the image of his glory.
Don't forget to get your tickets for the Moroccan Dinner on 10th February from the Church wardens. A few people have asked if the food will be spicy - yes, but in the way a mince pie at Christmas is spicy, not like a hot Indian curry.
Also don't forget the Silent Auction on the 3rd March and to volunteer now for the summer fete on 28th July. Get the dates into your diary.
Service Times
First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service
Second Sunday in the Month
Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service
Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist
10:00am Parish Eucharist
Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall
Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist
Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.
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