29 August 2016
This morning our 10 am service was a Parish Eucharist celebrated by Father Stephen. This was the last Sunday of August and so the choir, and quite a few members of the congregation were still on holiday. The first reading today from the Letter to the Hebrews, and the Gospel from Luke were both discussing the behaviour of a good Christian. Much useful advice was given for a virtuous life, including two themes of Hospitality and Humility. Father Stephen continued this discussion in his sermon, concluding that true hospitality, to those who cannot repay you, with a humble approach to life is the way to the Kingdom.
There was coffee after the service and we were treated to Joanna playing Bach, Toccata and Fugue in D as we drank our coffee.

Next Sunday will be our Patronal Festival, as we celebrate the birth of our Lady.

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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