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25 February 2013
The second Sunday of Lent, and the Gospel at the Parish Eucharist, taken from Luke, tells of Jesus predicting the events of Easter, and preparing to leave Galilee and go up to Jerusalem to his destiny. In his sermon Father Stephen talked about the value of quiet prayer, which Jesus instructs us to use. The next  Lent Group meeting will be a period of quiet prayer, at the Vicarage on Thursday March the 14th. at 7:30pm Do come along and find out more. The Choir sang Hide Not Thou thy Face a setting of part of Psalm 27 music by Farrant edited by Greening as the anthem.

The winter flowering Heathers in the Churchyard are wearing their Lenten Purple.
18 February 2013
Our Lent services started this Sunday with Matins, it being the third Sunday in February. Our readings in Matins are taken from the King James version of the Bible, the New Testament reading was the story of the Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness. Fr Stephen preached on this subject, and reminded us that when we are in our own personal wilderness, we do not despair because Jesus is with us. As is set for Lent we sang the Benedicite, set by Lloyd rather than the Te Deum, and the Choir sang Almighty and Everlasting God by Orlando Gibbons, ed le Huray and Willcox as the anthem.
The first daffodils are out in the churchyard, and the winter sunlight illuminates the church in these pictures
12 February 2013
Our Sunday morning Parish Eucharist was the last before the beginning of Lent, Ash Wednesday is the 13 of February this year. The subject of the Gospel was the transfiguration of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of St Luke. In his sermon Fr Stephen talked about transfiguration as change and our faith in Jesus changes us as people. The Choir sang 'Ave Verum' by Charles Gounod.
Our Ash Wednesday service with imposition of ashes will be at 7:30 on Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent and our period of preparation and contemplation for the great events of Holy Week and Easter Day. Enjoy your pancakes today and come and join us on Wednesday!
On Saturday evening in the Church Hall we were treated to a wonderful supper of either chicken, beef or vegetable pie, accompanied by mashed potato, carrots and peas, all produced from the church hall kitchen by Hilary Platts and her team.  A big thankyou to Mark and Sheila, at Seales Butchers, who donated the meat for the beef pies.

48 people joined together in this evening of companionship, and fund raising, Dame Jenny ran a very successful raffle, many thanks to those who donated prizes, especially Sam at the Crab and Lobster for the magnificent bottle of wine. The main course was followed by a delicious helping of sticky toffee pudding, and either coffee or tea. We were able to see a presentation from the architect of what our new rooms will look like from the outside in a three D video, although we are aware that these preliminary plans may be modified as the planning process goes through it was good to see what we are working towards! We set off into the dark and rainy night having enjoyed both wonderful food and a happy and successful evening. Total raised was over 500 pounds towards the New Parish Rooms
05 February 2013
We are anticipating a fine evening of Pie and Mash on Saturday, with a dish of sticky toffee pudding for afters. Tickets are all sold, but if you would like to take part in our next event here are some details!
On Sunday 16th of March, at the Vicarage we are holding a Knit-a-Thon in aid of the New Parish Rooms. What is a Knit-a Thon you may ask! It is a sponsored kitting competition, on this occasion we are going to knit a patten for woolly hats that, when completed will be donated to the Mission to Seafarers. The pattern is really easy so all are welcome.
All you need is to collect a sponsor form from the church, and get as may people as you can to sponsor you for each centimetre of knitting you can do in the time available! You will need a pair of 4.00mm (size 8) needles and some double knitting wool, mixed colours are fine if you have several different left over balls. All instructions on the back of the sponsor form.
Arrive at the Vicarage for a 2:30 start, knit for 45 minutes, stop for Tea then knit again for half an hour. A small prize for the longest piece of knitting. All sponsor money in aid of the New Parish Rooms!!!
Cant knit! do come along and we will teach you, Open to all ages and gender!

In April we are to have another of our delightful afternoon concerts of Piano music from Tom Cooper Price, and in June we are planning a Jazz workshop, play or sing Jazz? come along and join in details to follow


This Sunday, being the first sunday in the month combined our Family Eucharist, with the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple or Candlemas, and our Christingle celebration. The Junior Choir sang 'This Little Light of Mine' and the Christingle Hymn while the christingles were lit and distributed.The story of the presentation by Mary of her son Jesus, in the Temple and Simeon's prediction of his future was told. The Choir sang 'When Mary to the Temple went' words translated from the German by J Troutbeck, music by Johannes Eccard (1553-1611). The christingles were taken home to be lit again, and of course for the sweets to be eaten. 

Ready for distribution

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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