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26 January 2020
This morning our 10 am service was a Parish Eucharist. We arrived at church on a dry and overcast day, but the churchyard was full of winter flowers to brighten us up. The readings were from St Paul's letter to the Corinthians and St Mathews Gospel. In his sermon Father Stephen bought together the two themes from the readings. St Paul, admonishing the Corinthians for splitting into factions and urging them to unite in the belief in the one true cross, and the story from the Gospel of Our Lord calling the disciples to be fishers of men. We can also focus our attention on Christian Unity and the mission of living the christian life out every day.

The Choir sang the Irish Blessing in the setting by Bob Chilcot as the anthem.

In the notices Father Stephen reminded us of 3 important items to pay for! The magazine (£7) the Hungarian Supper on February the 15th (£15) and the 100 club (£11) The church wardens are happy to help you!

There was coffee after the service in the Rooms.

Next week we celebrate Candlemass with our family service, and on the 9th of February there will be a sale of Jewellery after the service!

21 January 2020
On Saturday the 18th of January the choir held a bring and share lunch in the Parish Rooms to celebrate the 90th birthday of Miss Beryl Rodd, one of our Tenors. Some photos are included below.

On Sunday we had Matins as our 10 am service, Father Stephen took the service and preached. The choir sang The Benedictus in B flat by CV Stanford, and as the anthem The Lamb by William Blake, setting by John Tavener. In our prayers we remembered the Royal Family, during this difficult time, and gave thanks for the restoration of the staff and Father Aho to their monastery in Turkey. We also remembered those recently departed to a better place.

There was coffee after the service.

Magazine subscriptions are now due, still only £7 if you haven't yet paid or would like to subscribe please speak to the Church Wardens.

Sunday flowers

Cutting the cake with Val, who also had a birthday on Saturday!

The Birthday cake, made and decorated by Hilary

Junior Choir members our ages in the choir are from 9 to 90!
12 January 2020
Today at our 10 am Eucharist we thought about the Baptism of Our Lord. Father Stephen was the celebrant and in his sermon, he considered the symbolism of Baptism and of the Anointing with oils such as takes place  at a coronation. We also think about our baptism at the Easter Vigil, when we consider the sacrament of baptism as taking away our sins. This baptism, the baptism of St John the Baptist was an act of dedication and revelation, as witnessed by many there. God spoke and acknowledged his son at this ceremony. The idea that we are dedicated to our duty as Christian people is well worth contemplating as we begin another year.

The Choir sang Ave Verum in the setting by W A Mozart as the anthem.

There was coffee after the service.

Tickets are now on sale for the Hungarian Supper on the 15th of February, and subscriptions for the Parishioner are now due. Please see Mrs Harland for both of these!!

St Mary Our Lady has for some years been in contact with Father Aho a priest in the Syriac Church in Southern Turkey. Please pray for Father Aho and his fellow Christians in these very unsettled times in this part of the world.

09 January 2020
This morning at 10 am we had our first Family Communion of 2020. The Feast of the Epiphany is actually on the 6th of January, but we celebrated it today. So the theme of the service was the visit of the Magi. Father Stephen, who is now recovered from the flu/bug that has been going round was the celebrant for this service.
The Sunday School took part in several elements of this service. The Three Kings presented their gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh at the crib, and during this time The Choir and congregation sang the carol 'We Three Kings' with solos from 2 of our Basses, also suitably attired!!

The presentation, also by a member of the Sunday School gave us the history and symbolism of Frankincense. The prayers, including prayers for the people and wildlife of Australia, were read by other members of the Sunday School.

Before the Communion, Father Stephen blessed our beautiful new wall hanging of the Nativity which has been stitched by Mrs Anwyl Allisstone and present to the Church.

During Communion the Choir sang The Nativity Carol by John Rutter as the anthem.

After The Service there was coffee in the Rooms.

Our next event will be the Hungarian Supper on the 15th of February, tickets are available from the Church Wardens £15 per person.

Father Stephen Blessing the new Wall Hanging

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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