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27 May 2019
This morning we met at 10:00 am for a Sung Eucharist on this the last Sunday of Easter Tide. The celebrant was Father Stephen and Father Roger preached. The first lesson, from the Acts of the Apostles told the story of St Paul and his companions meeting the Lady Lydia and her house hold in Macedonia. Father Roger in his sermon took up the story of these and other women mentioned in the New Testament, and how they were converted and baptised. He spoke of how Liverpool football team had taken up the song 'you'll never walk alone' from Carousel, and how this fitted with the message to new Christians converted by St Paul, it is the Holy Spirit, who's arrival we shall be remembering next Sunday, who accompanies us as it did those new Christians in the first century, who ensures that God is always with us and we are never alone.

The Choir sang 'Lift your Heads' By J.S.Bach as the Anthem, preparing us for Ascension Day on Thursday. There was Coffee after the Service.

On the 16th of June at 3:00pm in the afternoon, Chichester Voices will give a concert at St Mary's which will be followed by Tea. Tickets are £10 available from the Church Wardens or on the door. All proceeds in aid of Dementia Care locally. Please do come along!

Our lovely Flowers this week are from the Wedding of Sam and Tammy on Saturday, we wish them God's blessing on their marriage!

19 May 2019
Our 10 am service this morning was a sung mattins. We were delighted to have Father Stephen back to take the service much recovered from his recent  bad cold. As is our custom the readings from the old and new testament were from the King James version of the Bible. The New Testament reading was from St John's Gospel, and as Father Stephen told us is part of the Last Discourses, the collection of saying that Jesus gave to his disciples as he approached his Crucifixion. In this case the important instruction is to 'Love on another as I have loved you' Indeed, this instruction applies to all of us, in our personal relationships, and in the great events of the world. A timely message for every one.

The Choir sang the Benedictus in the setting by C.V. Stanford in C major. As the Anthem they also sang 'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace' by Samuel Wellesley.

There was coffee in the rooms after the service.

The Fete is fast approaching, and we are in need of a volunteer/s to run the Bar-b-que, if you can help please speak to the Church Wardens!

Also the details of the stalls are in the Parish Magazine, so start looking for items to donate!

17 May 2019
This evening we we were glad to welcome Bishop Mark, and the Deanery Confirmation candidates to St Mary our Lady for a service of Confirmation with in the Eucharist. We had candidates, young and old, from Sidlesham, Selsey and Hunston, and supported by their family and friends we took part in this wonderful experience of the Holy Spirit working in all our lives.
Bishop Mark told our candidates of how their talents would change the world, with the help of the Holy Spirit which is manifest in us as love, and leads us to achieve wonderful things, some small, some great, during our lives. He then proceeded to confirm Harry, Isabella, Kai, Harrison, Aleks, Kelly, Joanne, Levi, Danny, Leo and Stephen.
The service then continued with  the Eucharist. The choir, who were joined by members of the choir from St Peter's Selsey  sang 'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace' by Samuel Sebastian Wesley, conducted by James Roriston, Director of Music and Organist Joanna Chivers.
The candidates received a lighted candle and processed out of the church following Bishop Mark as the congregation sang the hymn Oh Jesus I have Promised.
There were many photos and congratulations following the service, and a magnificent spread awaited in the Rooms, accompanied by a glass of Pimms, soft drinks, or a cup of tea!

We welcome our new adult members of the Congregation of Our Lord, please pray for  them as the set out on their Christian Journey.

12 May 2019
We met today at 10 am on a beautiful sunny morning for our Eucharist. The Celebrant was Father Roger, as Father Stephen is still away, but he returns on Tuesday.
This Sunday is celebrated as 'Good Shepherd' Sunday  and in his Sermon, Father Roger shared his experience of his time in a parish in Wales, where sheep farming was a major occupation, and went on to talk about the role of the shepherd, the value of sheep in Biblical times, and how this teaches us the Jesus as the Good Shepherd is our guardian and our guide through this life and the next.
The Choir sang Ave Verum in the setting by Edward Elgar, as the anthem. The Sunday School children and adults joined us for the Communion.
There was coffee after the service in the Rooms.

This Thursday at 7:30 there will be a service of Confirmation by Bishop Mark, the Bishop of Horsham. Candidates for Confirmation from St Mary's and St Peter's Selsey, and from Hunston Parish Church will be presented. All are welcome to come and support the candidates as they become  full adult members of the Church. There will be refreshments after the service.

We have a new family in the congregation!

05 May 2019
The first of the month brings around our Family Eucharist once more. Father Roger was the celebrant at this service. It was a cold but sunny morning when we met at 10 am. The Sunday School gave a presentation based on the Gospel story for today, the appearnce of Jesus to Peter and the other disciples as they fished on the Lake of Galilee. There is much to learn from this story, but the children brought out the lesson that what ever we do, even denying Our Lord, as Peter did, he will forgive us if we love and follow him.

The Choir sang 'The Alleluias of St James' based on a traditional French Carol arr. Greening., for the Anthem.

There was coffee after the service.

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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