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25 November 2018
This is the last Sunday of the Church's year, and we celebrated the feast of Christ the King. This feast was only instituted in the 1930's as a day on which Christian people can put aside secular ideas and concerns and focus on Christ and his Kingdom, here in the world but not of it. A very good activity for the last Sunday of our year, preparing us to look forward to our New Year starting on Advent Sunday next week.

The service at 10 am this morning was a celebration of the Eucharist, and Father Stephen was the Celebrant. Instead of the Gradual Hymn we sang Psalm 96. In his sermon Father Stephen spoke of the difficulty in this 'post truth' society of discerning what the Truth is. for us one thing is sure Yesterday, today and forever, Our Lord Jesus Christ is the source of truth and love, and we must hold to this throughout our lives.

The Choir sang the Anthem 'Above all Praise' by Felix Mendelssohn. There was coffee after the service in the Rooms.

Dont Forget the Christmas Fayre in the Church Hall next Saturday, come and find Christmas gifts, food and activities , have a cup of tea or a glass of Mulled wine!

18 November 2018
Our 10 am service today was Sung Mattins. We had a beautiful sunny morning , with a cold wind reminding us of the season. The Canticles and Psalm 16 were sung, and the choir sang the Benedictus in the setting by C V Stanford in C major. The Anthem was ' O Saviour of the World' by Sir Arthur Somervell.
The readings from the King James version were from the Book of Daniel and St Mark's Gospel. In his sermon Father Stephen spoke about the book of Daniel as the first example in the Bible of Apocalyptic writing. The word apocalypse comes from the Greek and means revelation, and these parts of the scriptures, including some Gospel passages and the Revelation of St John the Divine,  show us what is to come and helps us focus on the future and be ready, We can learn from the past, look up to God for grace and guidance and look on to the future as it is revealed. All very appropriate for the approaching season of Advent!

There was coffee after the service.

The Christmas Fayre is not far off!! Contributions for the hamper for the grand draw, the bottle stall, and bathroom stall can be left in Church. The Fayre itself is on the 1st of December in the Church Hall.

11 November 2018
This year we mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War with our traditional service of commemoration and remembrance. The Church was full when at 10:45 we started our service of hymns, prayers, and readings incorporating the 2 minutes silence at 11:00 am. Father Roger preached the sermon, reminding us that very few families were not touched by losses in both World Wars, and as we honour the sacrifice of those who died, we must ensure that the Peace of our Lord Jesus comes to all the world, and that those of many faiths and of no faith may in fact contribute to peace.

The Choir sang 'My Soul there is a country' a poem by Henry Vaughn, entitled Peace which was set by C.H.H. Parry in his Songs of Farewell. They were accompanied by Joanna Chivers-Gibb on the piano, and conducted by James Roriston.

After the Blessing the congregation processed to the war memorial in the church yard for the laying of wreaths. A bright sunny autumn day greeted us and the laying of poppy wreaths and posies and from the Sunday School some rocks painted with poppies took place.

05 November 2018
This morning at our family service we considered our 'local' Saint, St Richard. The members of the Sunday School told us about his life, how he became Bishop of Chichester, and the miracles attributed to him. His Shrine in Chichester Cathedral contains some of his bones, which were rescued at the time of the reformation when many such shrines were destroyed.

The Junior Choir sang 'Mathew Mark Luke and John' accompanied by Joanna on the piano,
During the Communion the whole choir sang the Ave Verum in the setting by Charles Gounod.
There was coffee after the service in the Parrish rooms.

At 6 pm we celebrated a Eucharist in memorial of All Souls. This service was the setting for Faure's Requiem. The Choir were joined by guest singers and our Baritone Soloist was our friend Peter Webster   This service, which has become a tradition at St Mary Our Lady, is a most moving occasion. The names of those who are specifically remembered are placed on the alter during the services, and candles are lit. The congregation and choir leave in silence at the end, and this was particularly thought provoking as we have our silhouettes in church reminding us of those who died in World War One. Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday, and we will again be thinking of those who gave their lives for our peace.
Please note the service next week begins at 10:45.

On a less sombre note, we are fast approaching the Christmas fayre! Stall holders are waiting to receive your contributions, please look in the Magazine for more information!

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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