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28 May 2018
A glorious sunny day for our Trinity Eucharist, and so we reach the ordinary time with the great feast of the Trinity. In his Sermon Father Stephen told us about his favourite subject, Religious Art! He drew on the Great altar piece of Ghent painted by the Van Eyck brothers in the 15th century, and depicting God in His three persons, as well as Adam and Eve and many other Biblical and Church characters. He pointed out that in this painting Adam and God have the same face, an indication that God is with us and in us always perhaps. The Trinity remains a glorious mystery, and yet is also present in our daily lives.

The Choir sang 'God so Loved the World' in the setting by John Stainer as the Anthem.

There was coffee in the rooms after the service.

The Fete is fast approaching, the stall holders are ready to receive, your donations for their stalls, details in the Parish Magazine and in the Church.

Next week is the Rogation Walk, so please come in suitable footwear!!!

20 May 2018
This morning our 10 am service celebrating the Holy Spirit's arrival was Mattins. As is our tradition we took our readings from the King James version of the Bible, and the Choir sang the Te Deum in the setting in B flat by C.V Stanford, and as the anthem 'To Father Son and Holy Ghost' by Christopher Tye (1505 to 1573)

There was coffee after the service in the new rooms.

This evening at 7:30 pm St Mary's was the host for a Confirmation Service for Churches in the Chichester Deanery. The Church was filled with the candidates, their parents and godparents and other family, and members of the church family at St Mary's. The confirmation was performed by Bishop Mark of Horsham, who preached a most inspiring sermon. After the confirmation the Bishop celebrated the Eucharist, and after communion the choir sang 'Blessed by the God and Father' by Samuel Wesley, the soprano soloist was Sarah Amos, with Lucy and Emily 2 of our junior choristers singing the responding solo part. The newly confirmed followed the Bishop out of the church carrying a lighted candle to signify that they were going out into the world to spread the light of Christ.
There was a reception after the service in the new rooms, magnificently catered by Anne and Marilyn. Every one rejoiced in the presence of our new full members of Gods Church.

13 May 2018
After celebrating Ascension with an evening Eucharist last Thursday we came together at 10 am this morning to further consider the Ascension and to look forward to next week and Pentecost. In his sermon Father Stephen discussed the idea that Heaven is not some distant place, but in fact very close to us. To be in the presence of God is to be in heaven so as He is all around us we are but a short step from Heaven. This idea of an internal ascension into the presence of God can be traced from Deuteronomy through the Bible, and is very present in the poetry of the early seventeenth century especially George Herbert, who's poems are use in many well known hymns.

The Choir sang 'God is gone up with a Merry Noise' by Croft as the Anthem. There was coffee after the service in the new rooms.

Next Thursday at 7:30 in the evening we will be having the Deanery Confirmation service at St
Mary's. Please do come along and support our candidates and those from other Churches in the Deanery. Bishop Mark will be conducting the Confirmation, and there will be a 'Sidlesham Tea' afterwards in the new rooms. This is such an important step for our young people becoming full members of the family of God, it is really important to support them!

Looking forward to seeing you there!!

07 May 2018
Being the first Sunday in the month it was the Family Service and the Sunday School gave us a play entitled "The Mean Green Dragon".  A poor old woodcutter was sitting in his wood one day when two little girls came skipping along the path towards him.  The were from the Little Red Riding Hood Gang and they assaulted the poor woodcutter and left him on the forest floor, taking his axe with them.  Later a noble knight came by on his charger, he saw the poor woodcutter but decided to leave him as he more important things to be doing, like searching for the mean green dragon.  Then along came the mean green dragon and even though he knew the woodcutter hated the mean green dragon, he covered the woodcutter with his cloak, called for an ambulance and even paid for a carpenter using his credit card, to mend the woodcutter's stool which had been damaged in the assault.  He stayed with the woodcutter until he heard the ambulance and then went to his home at the other side of the forest. A doctor came and tended the woodcutter and saw him safely to the ambulance. You are probably wondering why the mean green dragon had a mobile phone and credit card? Meangreen was the name of the village on the other side of the forest and in the woodcutter's village, they called the inhabitants of Meangreen "dragons" because they didn't like them. The mean green dragon was a kind-hearted person who loved people even if they didn't love him.  Which is what Jesus asks his followers to do.

The weather was very kind with glorious sunshine and the churchyard was looking lovely after the working party had attacked it the day before. 

Don't forget the Summer Fete the last Saturday in July.

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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