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25 February 2018
This morning on a bitterly cold sunny morning we met at 10 o'clock for a Eucharist service. In the Gospel for today, from St Mark, Jesus tell his Disciples that they must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow him. Father Stephen discussed this in his sermon, telling us that Lenten discipline helps us to do exactly what Jesus tells us to do.
There was a communion hymn this morning instead of an anthem

There was coffee after the service.

The Silent Auction with cheese and wine is next Saturday, tickets available from the Church Wardens or on the door!

On Saturday the 24th of March at 6 pm there will be a performance of 'Olivet to Calvary' by J.H. Maunder. This Sacred Cantata covers the events of Holy Week, and we would like to invite singers to join the choir and take part. There will be a rehearsal  at 3:30 that afternoon, followed by Tea, £5 for singers, copies for rent £2:50. For the audience there will be a retiring collection. This enjoyable work is a good sing for anyone who sings regularly, so do
                                          COME and SING ( or listen!)

21 February 2018
This morning our service for the first Sunday in Lent was Mattins. The Canticles for Lent were the Venite, the Benedicite and the Jubilate Deo, and the set Psalm was Psalm 25. The Choir sang the Jubilate Deo in the setting by C.V. Stanford in B flat. The first reading, from Genesis, and the Gospel, from St Mark were explored in Father Stephen's short sermon. The story of God's promise to Noah after the flood and the sign of the rainbow, and the story of Jesus baptism in the river Jordan, call to mind the covenants God made in the Old Testament, and how Jesus in his life, death and Resurrection, fulfils all God's promises and gives us the way to Heaven. Good  to think about these things in Lent. The Choir sang 'Lord for thy Tender Mercies Sake' Words by Bull music by Farrant as the Anthem.
There was coffee after the service.

Don't forget to get your ticket for the silent Auction on 3rd of March, there will be cheese and wine provided to encourage your bidding!! In the Church Hall, tickets from the Church Wardens.

Our Ash Wednesday Service, a Eucharist and imposition of ashes, took place on a wet, cold and windy evening. Those who managed to get to the service through the terrible weather, were reminded that 'of dust you are made and to dust you will return' as the ashes were applied.
The Choir sang, 'Lord for thy tender mercies sake' words from J Bull's Christian prayers and holy meditations (1568) setting by Farrant. as the anthem.
 A lovely moving service for our start of Lent.
12 February 2018
We met for our ten o'clock Eucharist on a bright sunny but cold winters morning. There was much discussion and praise for the Moroccan Dinner of the evening before and good news in the notices that we had also raised a good sum of money, which will go towards the finishing touches to the new Rooms.
The Church had beautiful flowers from a wedding during the week, especially appreciated as it tis Ash Wednesday next week, so our last flowers until Easter.
The Gospel for today, from St Mark, was the story of the Transfiguration. In his sermon Father Stephen spoke about the deep mystery of Christianity, at once a very down to earth faith, with Jesus coming to live among us and calling his disciples from working people, and at the same time this unfathomable mystery of God, made manifest. The symbolism of the Transfiguration, the appearance of Moses and Isaiah, the voice of God, all part of that more profound aspect of Christian faith. Father Stephen told us he had been a Christian all his life, and in Ministry for 30 years, and he felt he was not yet near understanding it all, but as he said The Adventure Goes On!

The Choir sang Ave Verum by Gounod as the anthem. There was coffee after the service in the new Rooms.

Our next 'Event' is a Cheese and Wine evening with a Silent Auction, on March the 3rd in the Church Hall, tickets from the Church Wardens.

I think I can safely say that a good time was had by all, and after the sale of dinner tickets, raffle and sale of the beautiful table decorations, we raised £610 for ongoing expenses in the Parish Room. The tables were looking splendid thanks to Ann Wade.

I would like to thank our lovely church wardens who were the last to leave (very late) after doing ALL the washing up and cleaning the kitchen.  How they made it to church Sunday morning I have no idea.

I am thinking a French Supper will be good for next year - so watch the Parish Magazine for details.

Hilary Platts (Chef)

04 February 2018
Our Family Eucharist this morning at 10 am was a celebration of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, also called Candlemas. We started the service in the new rooms, with prayers, the Gloria, a reading from Malachi, and the blessing and lighting of candles. Then we sang 'At the Name of Jesus' as we processed around the church entering through the North Door and moving to our places. We then heard the Gospel story of the Presentation from St Luke .
Having extinguished our candles we heard the story of Simeon, as told by  Mrs Field. This was followed by the intercessions read by Emily.
During the communion, Maggie, one of our young choristers sang a solo of the first verse of 'Morning has broken' from the organ loft as part of her dark blue ribbon. The Anthem 'When Mary to the temple went' by Eccard, was sung by the whole choir.

Following the service there was coffee in the new rooms.

Next Saturday is our Moroccan Supper, tickets from the Churchwardens, and on the 3rd of March we are having a Silent Auction, any suitable items for the auction? please inform the Church Wardens!

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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