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17 October 2017
This morning we had sung mattins as our 10 am service. We were still enjoying the flowers in the Church for Tim and Emma's wedding on the previous Thursday. The set psalm was psalm 23. The readings from the King James version of the Bible were from Isaiah and St Matthew's Gospel. In the sermon Father Stephen followed up the Gospel reading, the story of the King who held a wedding banquet for his son, the invited guests would not come so he asked in passing strangers, but one man was not properly dressed and he was cast out. The tradition at the time was for the host to provide wedding clothes so this refusal has a particular implication. The passage ends with the famous words, 'many are called but few are chosen'.
The choir sang the Benedictus in the setting by Stanford in C Major, and the anthem was 'O for a closer walk with God' also set by Stanford.
There was coffee after the service in the new rooms.

At 3pm we were back in the church to hear a concert of Piano music by Tom Cooper. On this occasion Tom had chosen a selection of music that had influenced, or was by, Russian composers. He dedicated this concert to the memory of Alfred Lytton, who was a family friend. The music was wonderful, as we have come to appreciate from Tom and once again he also informed us about the background and relationship of the pieces he had chosen. The concert was followed by a Sidlesham Tea in the new rooms, which Tom's concerts had helped us to build!

Dame Jenny gives the vote of thanks

Marjorie Lytton with Tom

08 October 2017
This morning our 10 am Eucharist was celebrated by Father Stephen. The Church was still looking splendid with the Harvest Festival flowers and displays. The Gospel story was another of the Vineyard parables, where the owner sends workers and eventually his son and all are rejected or killed, Jesus asks how the owner will treat the vineyard workers when he comes. In his sermon Father Stephen pointed out that rather than what would seem justifiable wrath from God for killing his Son, faith leads us to grace which at the end will see us enter God's Kingdom.
The Choir sang 'Fairest Lord Jesus' a traditional text as the Anthem. There was coffee after the service in the new rooms.

Next Sunday we will welcome Tom Cooper to play a piano recital of Russian Music, 3pm in Church followed by Tea in the new rooms, a retiring collection for St Wilfrid's Hospice and St Mary's will be taken up. Tom has dedicated this concert to the memory of Alfred Lytton.

On Saturday October 28th do join us for the Eucharist for the repose of the souls of the dead, Faure's setting of the Requiem sung liturgically.

01 October 2017
We continued our busy weekend with a Family Eucharist and Service of Harvest Thanksgiving this morning. We came to church on a rather soggy October day to discover the church had been transformed by the Flower team into a wonderful display of harvest fruit, veg and flowers. The Sunday School made a presentation on the theme of Harvest, and during the offertory Hymn harvest goods were brought to the alter by representatives of the Farmers, Growers and Gardeners of the Parish, followed by contributions from individual families.
The Choir, in fine voice, sang 'Look at the World' by John Rutter as the Anthem.
There was coffee in the New Rooms after the service.

Coming up we have a Concert by our good friend Tom Cooper on October 15th at 3 pm in the Church. Tom will be playing a concert of Russian music, and dedicates the concert to the memory of our dear friend Alfred Lytton. A retiring collection in aid of St Wilfrid's Hospice and St Mary's will be taken up and of course this will be followed by tea in the New Rooms!

On Saturday the 28th of October at 6 pm, we shall have our Eucharist service for the repose of the souls of the departed. This will include the singing of the Faure Requiem as the setting for the liturgy. If you have a loved one you would like remembered ( the names are place on the alter during the service) please add them to the list in Church.

Further off but approaching fast we have a new event,  Sunday 26th of November, the last Sunday in Trinity, is traditionally known as 'Stir up Sunday' and so we shall be stiring ourselves up in the new rooms, making Christmas Puddings. A giant bowl of christmas pudding mixture will be assembled and stirred by all, and you can either bring your own basin to fill, or basins will be there for you to use at extra charge, following the making of the pudding we shall have tea. Look out for more details nearer the time!!

Another very busy weekend for St Mary our Lady. On Saturday morning the choir were again invited to take part in the Eucharist organised by the Prayer Book Society in Chichester Cathedral. This Eucharist uses the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer, which is used less often these days. The setting used was that by Darke in F major, and the anthem was Ave Verum in the setting by W.A.Mozart. It is a wonderful experience for our village choir to be able to sing in our 'Mother Church' the Cathedral, and the choir greatly appreciates the support from members of the congregation who came along to the service.

In the evening we gathered in the Church Hall for our Harvest Supper, over 70 people came to join in the festivities, and a fine meal of cold meats, salad, tomatoes potato salad, apple pie and cheese and biscuits was consumed with relish by all! Our entertainments this year were some excellent readings and some brain challenging Quizes! It was a fine evening enjoyed by all. A big thank you to the organising team!!!


Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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