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28 August 2017
This morning we met at 10am for our Parish Eucharist, on a beautiful sunny, warm day. We had a said service, as Joanna is on holiday, but Beryl Rodd kindly played the piano for the hymns. The lessons today were from Romans, and St Matthew. The Gospel passage related the conversation between Our Lord and his disciples in which he asks who people think he is. Peter replies that he is the Messiah, and characteristically Jesus acknowledges this, but tells the disciples not to reveal this truth as his time has not yet come. In his sermon Father Stephen connected this story to the reading from last week where the Canaanite woman had also realised who Jesus was. Father Stephen discussed how the Faith of these followers was demonstrated by their reactions to the question 'who do you think I am' a question we are selves are asked by the Lord, and how our faith in him guides us through our earthly journey.

There was coffee after the service in the North Transept, for the last time! Next week we are joined by Bishop Martin to give thanks and bless our new Parish Rooms, this service will be followed by a champagne reception! All are welcome to join us at the service to give thanks for this great work which will, among other things, allow us to prepare and serve our coffee in a proper kitchen from now onward! The Rooms are available for use by all, and can be booked by contacting the Church Wardens.

21 August 2017
This morning, a fine summer's morning, at 10 am we had Mattins. As it is August there was no Choir, but we sang the Psalm and Canticles to familiar chants. The Old Testament lesson was from Isaiah and the New Testament lesson was the story of Jesus curing the Canaanite woman's daughter. In his sermon Father Stephen also called to our minds the story of Jacob wrestling with the Angel 'all night' He enlarged on the theme of perseverance as part of our Christian life, especially in prayer. The Church has 4 elements, ideas, words, actions and endurance. We ask in prayer for peace in our world, but it doesn't seem to happen, but we must continue and endure, and in the end, like the daughter of the Canaanite women we will be healed and our prayers answered. This is our Christian faith, and for it to grow we must keep on keeping on.

There was coffee after the service, the penultimate coffee session using the urn in the church, as we are now within a fortnight of using our new rooms!  Bishop Martin will be with us at our Eucharist on the 3rd of September, when he will also bless the new rooms and officially open them . Please join us for this joyous occasion at 10 am, refreshments will be provided after the service.

A date for the diary, Tom Cooper  will give us a recital of Russian piano music on October 15th at 3pm followed by tea, retiring collection for St Mary's. We are delighted to welcome Tom back to Sidlesham for what has become one of our great treats!

Before that the weekend of the 30th September, 1st of October is Harvest. On the Saturday morning the Choir will again sing in Chichester Cathedral for the annual Prayer Book Society service, which is open to everyone. In the evening we shall have the Harvest Supper, tickets available from the Churchwardens, pay on booking no tickets will be reserved, for this very popular event. On Sunday the 1st of October we shall have our Harvest Festival Service at the 10 am Eucharist, please note this year the 10 am service will be the only Harvest Festival. There will not be an evening service. Elements of the former evening service including presentation of gifts by representatives of the Farmers, growers and gardeners in the Parish, and by the children will be in the 10 am service. We look forward to seeing you there.


13 August 2017
On a glorious summer morning we met to celebrate one of the Feasts dedicated to our Patron Saint, St Mary. Today we celebrate her arrival in Heaven, In September we again celebrate, marking her birth. The readings today included Luke's account of the visit of the Angel Gabriel. Father Stephen, who was the celebrant, preached about Mary's role of protector of the young Jesus, of the role of protection of the young in age and in faith, and how now Our Lady helps protect us from Heaven. There was a hymn after communion, as it being August, there was no choir.
The Church was filled with beautiful garden flowers, which had been placed there for the funeral of our dear friend Alfred Lytton on Friday. We shall miss him, but are confident he is safe in the hands of God.

There was coffee after the service. Our new rooms are very nearly ready to be handed over to us, the Bishop will formally bless and open them on the 3rd of September.

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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