The first weekend in February and our services were an all age Eucharist at 10 am. To make the story of the presentation of Our Lord in the ...
We reach the last Sunday in January and our 10 am service was a Eucharist celebrated by Father Chris. We continue to look at the early life ...
the third Sunday in January and a choice of services at 10 am. In the Church Matins and in the Hall, crafty communion. The choir sand the Be...
Isaiah 43:1-7 A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah. Thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: D...
The Feast of the Epiphany was celebrated by two services. first in the morning at 10 am we had an all age Eucharist which included the plac...
We came together this morning at 10 o'clock for our Eucharist service. The weather has been very cold in recent weeks, but plenty of peo...
At 6pm we met for our traditional service of 9 Lessons and Carols. The Church was bathed in candle light and the Congregation and choir san...
This morning, the third Sunday in February we had 2 services at 10 am. In the Church Hall the youngsters and their families had Crafty Commu...
The Sunday after the Fete and we had an 'end of term' feeling in church today. Father Roger took the service a Parish Eucharist, an...
30 April 2017
This morning our 10 o'clock service was a Parish Eucharist, but a special one as today we followed the service with a short service of re-interment. During the building of the new Annex, the builders came across a grave, which was not marked or recorded anywhere. The grave contained the bones of three people, two adults and a child. Also found in the grave was a wedding ring, which dates to the 1880s, but the archaeologist cautions that it may not belong to these people, we just do not know who they were or how they came to be buried in an unmarked grave in our church yard. One of the congregation, Mr Pickering, made a wooden box for the bones, and Father Stephen attached a crucifix to the box, and the bones have been resting in the Lady Chapel. Today we re-interred them in a new grave to the side of the main path. The box was placed in front of the altar for the Eucharist, and then at the end of the service, while the Choir sang the Nunc Dimittis in C by Stanford, the box was carried out of the church by 4 members of the congregation. We all followed out to the grave side. Father Stephen said the prayers of committal and the box was lowered into the grave with due solemnity. A strong feeling of the community of the church over the centuries was with us as we paid respect to this little family, almost forgotten, but now safely re-interred in our lovely peaceful and ancient church yard.
'For all thy saints, who from their labours rest
who they by faith before the world confessed
thy name of Jesus be forever blessed
Alleluia, alleluia'
'For all thy saints, who from their labours rest
who they by faith before the world confessed
thy name of Jesus be forever blessed
Alleluia, alleluia'
24 April 2017
After the great events of Holy Week and Easter Day, this second Sunday of Easter we had said Mattins as our 10 am service. The canticles and psalm were said, but we sang some of the Easter Hymns, accompanied by Beryl Rodd at the piano. In his sermon Father Stephen developed the theme from the Gospel of the story of doubting Thomas, who could not believe without seeing! We believe because we know God in our hearts, and see his actions in our lives, but faith cannot be thrust upon us, only when we are ready to believe can faith come to us. We pray for all who struggle with faith, to be strengthened.
There was coffee after the service.
Sadly we were unable to have our Pirates event yesterday, as our star guest Paul, the History Man, was taken ill in the week. we wish him a speedy return to health, and have postponed the event until
There was coffee after the service.
Sadly we were unable to have our Pirates event yesterday, as our star guest Paul, the History Man, was taken ill in the week. we wish him a speedy return to health, and have postponed the event until
the New Building is coming on!! |
19 April 2017
We have a new member of the website team. Hilary Platts will be looking after the music pages. She can be contacted through the Contact Us page.
Hilary joins the rest of the team who are Janet Harland, Lesley Bromley and Michael Jones.
Hilary joins the rest of the team who are Janet Harland, Lesley Bromley and Michael Jones.
16 April 2017
Our Easter celebrations began on Saturday Evening with the lighting of the New Fire, the Easter Vigil and the first Eucharist of Easter. We were able to light the new Pascal Candle out of doors, as it was mild and of course light as we are so far into April. The congregation all lit candles from the new fire and we moved into the church where the Pascal Candle was set in its place by the Altar. We then heard the readings of the Easter Vigil, including the story from Exodus of the crossing of the Red Sea. Father Stephen developed this theme in his sermon, speaking of Baptism and its ability to renew us, and the promise to remain new and pure that is so hard to achieve. We then renewed our Baptismal vows at the font, before returning to the body of the church for the Eucharist.
This morning, on a beautiful sunny spring morning we met for the Easter Day Eucharist. The church, now transformed with the most fantastic flower displays, was full of congregants, from the very young to the very senior. The Eucharist was con-celebrated by Father Stephen and Father Roger, and Father Roger also preached. In his sermon Father Roger talked about how our identity as Christians is in our relationship with Christ, confirming our own resurrection from sin, and assuring our eternal life. We sang traditional Easter hymns, and the choir sang 'Now the green blade riseth' and 'This joyful Easter tide' during Communion. There were Easter eggs to take home!!
Please do come to our Pirates Day next Saturday 1:30pm in the Church Hall, a day of entertainment, with a treasure hunt, a storyteller and many competitions, all followed by Tea! A fine way to finish off the Easter Holidays!!
This morning, on a beautiful sunny spring morning we met for the Easter Day Eucharist. The church, now transformed with the most fantastic flower displays, was full of congregants, from the very young to the very senior. The Eucharist was con-celebrated by Father Stephen and Father Roger, and Father Roger also preached. In his sermon Father Roger talked about how our identity as Christians is in our relationship with Christ, confirming our own resurrection from sin, and assuring our eternal life. We sang traditional Easter hymns, and the choir sang 'Now the green blade riseth' and 'This joyful Easter tide' during Communion. There were Easter eggs to take home!!
Please do come to our Pirates Day next Saturday 1:30pm in the Church Hall, a day of entertainment, with a treasure hunt, a storyteller and many competitions, all followed by Tea! A fine way to finish off the Easter Holidays!!
On Maundy Thursday we had our Eucharist of the last supper followed by Gethsemane Watch.
This service marks the end of Lent and the beginning of the Triduum, the three days prior to Easter Sunday. Our service on the Thursday evening was the first at which the Gloria was sung since Ash Wednesday, and bells are rung to mark the transition to the new season. The story of the Last Supper was read and the Choir sang Ubi Caritas in the setting by Durufle as the anthem. After communion the altar was stripped whilst the Choir sang psalm 22, and those who were able to continued in the north transept for Gethsemane Watch. A solemn start to the Easter period.
We returned on Good Friday for our 2pm service of contemplation of the Passion. This year the choir sang 'Olivet to Calvary' by John Henry Maunder, with the able assistance of Peter Webster as the baritone soloist. Joanna Chivers-Gibbs played the piano and had prepared the choir for this service. The movements of the work were interspersed with Gospel readings, the whole being opened and closed with prayer lead by Father Stephen. This was very well received by every one.
Following the Service a shory choir practice was held at 'Russetts' The home of Adrian and Janet Harland, after which Hot Cross and other buns were served with tea. We took our annual Choir Photo in the garden, thanks to Steve Amos for taking the picture!
This service marks the end of Lent and the beginning of the Triduum, the three days prior to Easter Sunday. Our service on the Thursday evening was the first at which the Gloria was sung since Ash Wednesday, and bells are rung to mark the transition to the new season. The story of the Last Supper was read and the Choir sang Ubi Caritas in the setting by Durufle as the anthem. After communion the altar was stripped whilst the Choir sang psalm 22, and those who were able to continued in the north transept for Gethsemane Watch. A solemn start to the Easter period.
We returned on Good Friday for our 2pm service of contemplation of the Passion. This year the choir sang 'Olivet to Calvary' by John Henry Maunder, with the able assistance of Peter Webster as the baritone soloist. Joanna Chivers-Gibbs played the piano and had prepared the choir for this service. The movements of the work were interspersed with Gospel readings, the whole being opened and closed with prayer lead by Father Stephen. This was very well received by every one.
Following the Service a shory choir practice was held at 'Russetts' The home of Adrian and Janet Harland, after which Hot Cross and other buns were served with tea. We took our annual Choir Photo in the garden, thanks to Steve Amos for taking the picture!
09 April 2017
We enter Holy Week on a glorious sunny Sunday, with our Palm Sunday service with procession of Palms. The Service started with the Choir singing an introit 'And the children of the Hebrews said....' this was followed by the blessing of the palm crosses and a procession around the Church. This gave us all an opportunity to see the progress of the New Rooms Annex, where the windows and walls are well advanced.
The service continued with a reading of the Passion Gospel from St Matthew by Father Stephen and members of the congregation. We then moved to the Eucharist, using the Richard Sheppard Wiltshire Service setting. After communion the Choir sang 'God so loved the World' in the setting by John Stainer as the Anthem. There was coffee after the service and then we held our Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Once again all the paper work for this meeting had been prepared by Church Warden Chris Field, and we were able to pass quickly through the business and enjoy thanking all those who work so hard all year to keep our Church family buoyant. We look forward to having Bishop Martin open and bless our Annex in September.
The Holy Week servies are here on the website, we hope to see you at them, and especially next sunday for Easter Day. On Good Friday we shall sing the work 'Olivet to Calvary' as our passiontide dedication.
Dont forget to come to Pirate Day on 22nd April, all sorts of activities and competitions , best dressed pirate any one? plus our treasure hunt, Story teller and tea!!
The service continued with a reading of the Passion Gospel from St Matthew by Father Stephen and members of the congregation. We then moved to the Eucharist, using the Richard Sheppard Wiltshire Service setting. After communion the Choir sang 'God so loved the World' in the setting by John Stainer as the Anthem. There was coffee after the service and then we held our Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Once again all the paper work for this meeting had been prepared by Church Warden Chris Field, and we were able to pass quickly through the business and enjoy thanking all those who work so hard all year to keep our Church family buoyant. We look forward to having Bishop Martin open and bless our Annex in September.
The Holy Week servies are here on the website, we hope to see you at them, and especially next sunday for Easter Day. On Good Friday we shall sing the work 'Olivet to Calvary' as our passiontide dedication.
Dont forget to come to Pirate Day on 22nd April, all sorts of activities and competitions , best dressed pirate any one? plus our treasure hunt, Story teller and tea!!
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Service Times
First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service
Second Sunday in the Month
Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service
Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist
10:00am Parish Eucharist
Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall
Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist
Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.
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