The Feast of the Epiphany was celebrated by two services. first in the morning at 10 am we had an all age Eucharist which included the plac...
Isaiah 43:1-7 A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah. Thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: D...
The Third Sunday of October so our service was Mattins. Father Roger and Christine were with us today as Father Chris is still away. The Chi...
1 Corinthians 11.23-26 A reading from the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians, Beloved: I received from the Lord what I also hand...
1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 A reading from the first book of Samuel. Samuel was ministering before the Lord, a boy wearing a linen ephod. His mot...
And so we reach Christmas Morning, we had an all age Eucharist and it was lovely to see lots of families worshiping together. We wish everyo...
Acts 7:51-60 A reading from the Acts of the Apostles. Stephen said to the high priest and the council. ‘You stiff-necked people, uncircumcis...
As we have already reached the third Sunday in January our 10 am service was Matins this morning. We sang the Canticles and Psalm 40, and so...
For our third Sunday in Advent we had the option of two services at 10 am In Church there was sung Mattins taken by Father Roger, while in t...
It really feels like winter is finally here. Not quite frosty yet, but very close. Today was an important day for us in the church family a...
02 October 2016
This morning our 10 am Family Eucharist was also our Harvest Festival. The Church had been beautifully decorated with flowers and produce, and looked lovely. The children of the Sunday School had also produced a display about Harvest. In their presentation they told us about the Jewish tradition of Harvest Festival, the Festival of the Booths, as described in the Old Testament. They built a model booth for us to see! The service included the traditional Harvest Hymns and during Communion, one of our Junior Choristers Seth sang a solo of 2 verses of a hymn as part of his work for the dark blue ribbon. The Choir then sang the last section of 'Ascribe unto the Lord' by Samuel Wesley as the Anthem. There was coffee after the service.
In 2 weeks, on the 16th of October we are to have a Piano Recital by our friend Tom Cooper Price at 3:00pm in the church followed by tea. Collection for the New Rooms. Do come along!!
In the evening at 6:00 pm the Village Harvest service was held with the Primary School children and Parents. The service included Harvest hymns, Psalm 150 sung by the Choir, A song from the School choir, the anthem 'Thou Visitest the Earth' by Green, and the Nunc Dimittis in the setting by CV Stanford in C major from the Choir. Father Stephen received gifts at the altar, and closed the celebration with a blessing. The end of a very busy weekend!
In 2 weeks, on the 16th of October we are to have a Piano Recital by our friend Tom Cooper Price at 3:00pm in the church followed by tea. Collection for the New Rooms. Do come along!!
In the evening at 6:00 pm the Village Harvest service was held with the Primary School children and Parents. The service included Harvest hymns, Psalm 150 sung by the Choir, A song from the School choir, the anthem 'Thou Visitest the Earth' by Green, and the Nunc Dimittis in the setting by CV Stanford in C major from the Choir. Father Stephen received gifts at the altar, and closed the celebration with a blessing. The end of a very busy weekend!
This morning the Prayer Book Society held a Eucharist Service using the Prayer Book liturgy. The Celebrant was the Dean of Chichester, and the service setting was Darke in F, and the anthem was Ave Verum in the setting by Sir Edward Elgar both were sung by our choir. Joanna Chivers-Gibb played the organ. The service was well attended and it was a wonderful experience for the Choir, especially our Junior members to sing in our Cathedral. Here are some pictures
This evening the Church Hall was filled as we assembled for the Harvest Supper. A 3 course meal, ham, chicken and salad followed by apple pie and cream and cheese and biscuits and a cup of coffee, followed by the traditional entertainments! Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make this village event go so well.
This evening the Church Hall was filled as we assembled for the Harvest Supper. A 3 course meal, ham, chicken and salad followed by apple pie and cream and cheese and biscuits and a cup of coffee, followed by the traditional entertainments! Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make this village event go so well.
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Service Times
First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service
Second Sunday in the Month
Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service
Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist
10:00am Parish Eucharist
Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall
Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist
Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.
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