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25 January 2016
This morning our 10 o'clock Eucharist was celebrated by Father Stephen. The readings this morning included St Paul's description of the Church as the sum of its many parts, and the Gospel, from St Luke, the story of Jesus reading from Isaiah in his 'home' synagogue, which it was his habit to attend, and then being filled with the spirit he taught the congregation that he was the fulfilment of these scriptures. In his sermon, Father Stephen explored further the role of the Spirit, showing us how sometimes the spirit works through unlikely people to achieve God's will.The Choir sang 'The Litany to the Holy Spirit' by Peter Hurford as the anthem.  There was coffee after the service.

Next week we have our Italian Evenings, on Thursday the Art of Venice with wine and canapes by Father Stephen, and on Saturday our Italian Supper. Tickets for the supper are all sold, but the Art of Venice is open to all with a retiring collection for the New Rooms project.

Ash Wednesday is fast approaching (February 10th) and this year our Lent Study Group will be looking at the Psalms, please sign up for the Lent Group at the back of the Church. These meetings will take place in the Vicarage at 7:30 on Thursdays in Lent.
18 January 2016
This Sunday, on a cold and raw day we assembled at 10 am for Matins. The new testament reading set for today was the story of the miracle at the Wedding at Cana. This story has many interpretations and layers of meaning, and Father Stephen discussed some of this in his sermon. Of the many meanings of this first miracle, it occurs at a wedding, in the midst of ordinary life, where our christian faith belongs permeating every part of our lives.
The Choir sang the Introit 'Oh Taste and See'  by Ralph Vaughan Williams as the anthem. There was coffee after the service.

There are still tickets available for the Italian Supper on January 30th please see the Church wardens. Don't forget  Father Stephen's illustrated talk on the art of Venice on Thursday 28th of January!

11 January 2016
This morning our 10 am service was a Parish Eucharist. Father Stephen was the celebrant, and also preached the sermon. In this service we thought about the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan by St John the Baptist. Father Stephen told us that while thinking about his sermon he had been struck by a beautiful sunrise yesterday morning which lead him to tell us about the  revelation of the Holy Spirit at the Bapstism of Jesus making it a demonstration of the Holy Trinity, we too are baptised in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to bless us as we set out on our christian journey, to take the good news to others, but in St Frances of Assis's words, we should evangelise, but only use words when absolutely necessary.

The choir sang the Ave Verum setting by Gounod as the anthem. There was coffee after the service.

Our next events are a pair of Italian experiences! On the 28th January at 7:30 Father Stephen will give an illustrated talk about the art of Venice, using slides and a DVD. This will be accompanied by a glass of wine and nibbles, retiring collection for the New  rooms project. On Saturday 30th of January there will be an Italian Supper, both of these events will be in the Church Hall. Tickets for the supper £10 each are available from the Church Wardens, there is a choice of main courses.

03 January 2016
The first Sunday of the New Year, we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany at our Family Service. The Eucharist was celebrated by Father Stephen, and the Sunday School with Mrs Field read us a piece about the arrival of the Wise Men, but transferred to modern America. Read by members of the Sunday School, this treatment of the Magi, suggested the gifts bought by the Wise were not always easy to receive and foretold the Passion to come. During the offertory, whilst the congregation sang 'We Three Kings' other Sunday School members in costume, presented gifts at the crib.

We were most grateful for Alan Thurlow playing for us this morning, as Joanna is taking a short break. The Choir is also not is session, Choir Practice resumes next Friday. There was coffee after the service.

Events in January include an Evening of Venetian Art with Father Stephen, in the Church Hall on the 28th January, including nibbles and a glass of wine, a retiring collection will be taken up. On the 30th there will be an Italian Supper also in the Church Hall. Tickets for the supper are £10 available from the Church Wardens, Proceeds from both these events towards the new Church Rooms.

Happy New Year to every one, may 2016 bring peace and a wider knowledge in the world of the Good News of Christ's love for us all!

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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