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28 September 2015
Today at our 10 o'clock Eucharist we gave thanks for our Church and thought about how we can maintain it for future generations. Father Roger was with us this week, and instead of the sermon we had a very interesting presentation from our Treasurer Mike Fowler. I think we were all surprised to discover the cost of running St Mary's month by month, and in addition the repairs that we have to make to our beautiful but very ancient building. Mike introduced us to the new parish giving scheme being set up by Chichester Diocese, which will greatly help in terms of efficiency in collecting and recovering Gift Aid. The money is collected by Direct Debit, the gift aid is recovered and it is all in the Church account within 10 days!! Quite an achievement. Mike urged all who can to change to this system as soon as the forms are available. While this change is going on, perhaps we can think about how much we give, if every one could manage £3:75 a week more, the church would be in a much healthier position!!!   Many thanks to Mike for this excellent and thought provoking talk!
The Choir sang Tantum Ergo in the Setting by Vierne, and there was coffee after the service. A lovely sunny September morning greeted us as we left.

Our Beautiful Church

Next Saturday the Choir are singing in Chichester Cathedral. A Eucharist for the prayer book society is being held at 10:30, all are welcome. The Choir will sing the setting by Darke in F major. Do join them if you can.

Also next weekend it is harvest, so there is the Harvest Supper on Saturday Night and on Sunday the morning service of thanksgiving and an evening service with Sidlesham Primary School Do come along to one or all of these events!!

Tea and Symphony

A concert in aid of Macmillan organised by members of St Mary's, Sidlesham and St Peter's, Selsey was hosted by St Peter's Church on Saturday 26th September 2015.

The vocal programme was varied from Mozart to Rogers and Hammerstein, with flute and piano interludes.  The audience enjoyed the performances of vocalists, Jacquelyn Fugelle , Mike Geddings, Hilary Platts and Sylvia Rota, with Mike Anderson at the piano and Alex Palmer on flute.

Jacquelyn commenced proceedings with Mozart’s “Alleluia” from Exsultate Jubilate, which rang out joyfully in the church.  Hilary followed with a more somber  “What is life to me without thee” from Gluck’s Orfeo e Euridice, and Sylvia’s “Un bel di” from Puccini’s Madame Butterfly continued the sober mood.  Spirits were lifted however with Alex on her flute with Gossec’s “Tambourin”. The ladies continued the classical part of the programme.

Mike Anderson played “A walk in the Black Forest” which marked a turning point in the programme to a lighter tone.  His sensitive touch on the keyboard was a delight to all.  We then heard from Mike Geddings who made us feel we were in Las Vegas rather than Selsey with some “Rat Pack” classics. Hilary, Sylvia and Jacquelyn continued the lighter theme and after a few words from Hilary about Macmillan, the ensemble sang “You’ll never walk alone” which could be the Macmillan anthem.

The music was followed by a sumptuous feast of cucumber sandwiches, cake, tea and coffee provided by the good folk of St Peter’s under the stewardship of Sally Barker.  In fact so many cakes were on offer that after everyone had eaten their fill, remaining cakes were auctioned on the day and sold after Sunday service.

Many thanks to St Peter's Father Andy and  PCC for allowing their church and church hall to be used for this fundraising event and the best news of all is that £935 was raised for Macmillan.
21 September 2015
This Sunday, the third in September, we had Matins as our 10:am service. The Readings this morning, from the Book of Wisdom and from St Mark's Gospel. In his Sermon Father Stephen pointed out that many who do not believe in the Bible do not know its contents so cannot see the amazing truth it tells. The reading from the book of Wisdom pre-dates the time of the Gospel story by 300 years, yet it accurately predicts the events of the Passion and Resurrection, and mirrors the prophecy of Isaiah. The Bible needs to be seen as a complete work, we are shown the way by both Old and New Testaments.
The Choir sang 'Teach me O Lord the Way of thy Statutes' by Thomas Attwood,

Colours of Autumn

On Sunday Afternoon we were treated to a marvelous concert by Alex Palmer and Friends. A mixture of instruments and voice, items from the 17th to the 20th century, well known composers, Haydn  and Mozart, and less well known ones as well. It was a splendid performance  thoroughly enjoyed by the audience, and followed by Tea! All proceeds to the New Annex Project. Many many thanks to Alex and all her musicians for a wonderful performance.

 Our next Concert is on Sunday afternoon the 18th of  October when our good friend Tom Cooper will be giving another of his fantastic piano recitals. do put the date in your diary!

01 September 2015

Tea and Symphony

Members of St Peter's and St Mary's have combined to put on a concert in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support  to be held in St Peters church, Selsey. This will be followed by tea and cake in the St Peters Church Hall.

More information available from Hilary Platts or Dame Jenny Trimble.

Please help us by coming along and supporting this worthwhile charity. You can also help us by  downloading the poster available below and displaying it.

Tickets are available in advance or at the door.

Poster available here.

Parking is available behind St Peter's church, off St Peter's crescent. Map available here.

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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