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28 June 2015
Our 10 am Eucharist celebrated the feast of St Peter and St Paul. Father Stephen compared these two quite different men, one a simple fisherman and the other an intellectual Rabbi, in his Sermon. Despite their very different backgrounds, looking at their writings in the New Testament they were as one mind when talking about the message that Jesus bought to us. Our direction for the future comes from the last verses of the second letter of Peter 'Grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever!'  The anthem this week was 'Ave Verum' in the setting by W.A. Mozart. There was coffee after the service.

We are fast approaching the Fete, the Church Wardens would be glad of help to prepare on Friday the 24 and to put away on Sunday the 26th. Please do let them know if you can help!

View from across the church yard

22 June 2015
This is the third Sunday of June, and so our 10 o'clock service was Mattins. The Readings, from the King James Version of the Bible, where from Job and St Mark's Gospel. The latter telling the story of the raising of Jairus daughter. Father Stephen spoke in his sermon, of the compelling eye witness nature of the two stories included in this passage. St Mark is particularly vivid in his descriptions, many reported by St Peter to the author, this exciting narrative is inspiring and Father Stephen encouraged us all to read the good news and feel its truth and relevance.
It was the Royal School of Church Music designated 'Music Sunday' so the Choir sang John Rutters 'I will sing with the Spirit' as the Anthem. This piece was composed for the RSCM.
There was coffee after the service.

The date of the next event, the Saxophone Concert in the Lyton's garden on the 11th of July is fast approaching, tickets available from the Churh Wardens.

Also rapidly approaching is the Summer Fete, any offers of help before or after the Fete in the preparation and putting away of the Marquees etc will be gratefully received.

At this time of year beautiful flowers inside and out
14 June 2015
After the excitement of our Rogation walk last week we returned to our usual Eucharist service at 10;00 am this week. We started the long period of Trinity or 'Ordinary Time' with readings relating to the Kingdom, and in his Sermon Father Stephen talked about the seeds of the Kingdom planted in us and how this growth in faith in our souls spreads out to help the Kingdom grow. 
The Choir sang 'Jesu joy of mans desiring' music by J.S.Bach and words by Robert Bridges. We enjoyed the flowers which had been prepared for the wedding of Peter and Susan the day before. There was coffee after the service.

Jasper another member of the serving team was Crucifer this week

08 June 2015
On a lovely June Sunday morning we had our Rogation Walk. As Father Stephen pointed out the boundaries of our Parish stretch from Ham in the south east to Hunston in the north west and it would take several hours to walk the whole way. Our route was more limited, after an opening prayer from the Sunday School, we set off to the Barn in Church Farm Lane, where there was a reading, a prayer, and a verse of All Things Bright  and Beautiful. We then proceeded to the new grave yard extension, where the young calves in the field next door came over to join in, From there to the Garden of Scantlings off Church Lane, through into the Glebe field, where the horses joined us, and back to the Church. A reading a prayer and a verse at each stop. Once back in Church we sang 'For the Beauty of the Earth' and received a parting blessing.  We were treated, both before and after the service, to piano duets played by Joanna Chivers Gibb and Beryl Rodd. This was a fantastic performance and completed the service perfectly.This was followed by coffee. A wonderful early summer service.

01 June 2015
This morning we reached the festival of Trinity, the occasion on which we think about God in three different aspects, Father Son and Holy Spirit. The Eucharist was celebrated by Father Stephen, and in his sermon he pointed out that we start our Christian Journey at our Baptism which is performed in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and at the end of our earthly journey when we pass on to that place beyond time, again we are committed to go in the name of Father Son and Holy Spirit, in between as we move on through our earthly life we are enfolded in this triumvirate love, God cares for each one of us individually!!
The Adult Choir were joined by the Junior choristers this morning to sing the service, and the anthem was 'O thou the central orb' words by H.R. Bramley setting by Charles Wood.
There was coffee after the service.

Dont forget next week to come dressed appropriately for our Rogation Walk, be prepared for all kinds of weather!!!

White and Gold for Trinity

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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