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27 October 2014
This afternoon we had a wonderful concert of piano music by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin and Schumann played by our very good friend Tom Cooper Price. Starting at 3:00 pm an audience of over 50 people were delighted by both Tom's wonderful playing and also by his informative and thought provoking introductions and explanation of the works he had chosen.

Following this feast of music we were able to take part in a feast for the inner person with a traditional Sidlesham Tea, which was well up to the standard we have come to expect!!

Our heartfelt thanks to Tom who gives so generously of his talent to support our efforts for the New Annexe, and also to the bakers, and sandwich makers and servers of the excellent tea.

A retiring collection was taken up for the New Annexe, we await a total from the treasurer.

The last Sunday in October, and the last of Trinity, as we approach the season of All Saints, Remembrance and the pre-Advent services. Our 10'0 clock Eucharist was celebrated by Father Stephen. The gospel, from St Matthew, recounted the questioning of Jesus by the Pharisees in the Synagogue. father Stephen pointed out that as a practicing Jew, Jesus knew the Law by heart, and that for many people learning the collects, the catechism and other prayers provides a wonderful resource and comfort in times of need. He recounted the collect for the 19th Sunday after Trinity as one he had among his favourites
'Oh God for as much as without Thee we are not able to please Thee, mercifully grant that Thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen' good for many occasions, not just the 19th Sunday after Trinity!!

The Sunday School's Harvest display

13 October 2014
After all the excitement of last weekend, a quieter week, but the celebration of St Wilfred, who famously converted the South Saxons.

At the 10;00 o'clock Eucharist Father Stephen told us in his sermon some of the history of St Wilfred. He was a great missionary, travelling far and wide in the AD 600's bringing Christianity to many parts of England and to what is now Germany and Holland. He was a man of great energy, supporting the Roman style of Christianity over the Celtic form, and holding Bishoprics in several places. He returned to Roman on several occasions and it was on his return from one of these visits that he was shipwrecked at Selsey. It is said that he taught the starving Saxon inhabitants to fish thus ending the famine that was besetting them. He founded a Cathedral at Selsey, and the See remained there until the Norman Conquest. Although he was obviously a very strong and determined man who may have upset many people he did sincerely follow Our Lord's instruction to go out and tell the Good News. He is, with St Richard co-patron of the Diocese.
The Choir sang the 'The Alleluias of St James' as the Anthem. There was coffee after the service.

Autumn is with us

Don't forget the Concert and Tea on Sunday 26th of October at 3:00pm Tom Cooper Price will play for us.

On Saturday November 1st at 6;00pm there will be a Service for All Souls Day. This will be a Eucharist with the Faure Requiem as the setting. If you would like to include the names of departed loved ones in the remembrance, please add their names to the list at the back of church. The list of names will be placed on the alter during the service.
06 October 2014
This has been a very busy weekend for us at St Marys, with services in the Cathedral, and celebrations at St Marys.

Saturday morning the Choir of St Mary our Lady were invited to sing at a service of Holy Communion being held in Chichester Cathedral by the Prayer Book Society. The Celebrant and Preacher was Bishop Martin. Our Choir sang the setting for Holy Communion By Harold Darke in the key of F. The anthem was 'Ave Verum Corpus' in the setting by W.A. Mozart. Joanna Chivers Gibb our Director of Music played the organ for the service. The Choit had practised long and hard for their debut appearance in the Cathederal, and acquitted themselves very well. A number of the congregation joined us for the service. Mrs Chivers -Gibb was very pleased with the service, and has received some very positive feedback from those who took part WELL DONE ALL!!!

the choir looking rather nervous before the service

Lining up to process into the Choir stalls

The Choir

Saturday evening was the Harvest Supper, a magnificent meal of cold cuts, salads, apple pie and cheese and biscuits, followed by coffee was consumed in the church hall. The entertainment which followed was absolutely excellent with readings, songs and a 'Puppet Show' and a final comedy song and routine that was brilliantly executed and had the audience in fits of laughter. Once again to the catering team and the performing team a big THANK YOU from every one who attended.

Sunday morning, in our family service we celebrated harvest. We sang some traditional harvest hymns, the story of how Harvest Festival grew out of the old Lammas festival, the Church was beautifully decorated, and the choir sang 'Look at the World' by John Rutter. It was a beautiful autumn day and the decorated church looked magnificent. It was a truly joyful celebration.

In the evening at 6:00pm we had a second harvest service in combination with the children of Sidlesham County Primary School and their families. This service included the Choir singing Psalm 65, and the School Choir sang a special song for Harvest. Prayers were said by children from the school and it was a lovely family atmosphere.

After such a busy weekend just two reminders, If you ordered a calender for 2015 they are now available to collect after the 10 o'clock service. Tom Copper Price will be with us on Sunday 26th October for a piano recital followed by Tea, all welcome!

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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