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21 April 2014
On Easter Saturday evening we had our Easter Vigil Service, with the lighting of the new fire, and renewal of Baptism vows. This lovely service starts outside the church with Father Stephen lighting the new fire, and preparing and blessing the new Paschal Candle. The candle is blessed and has incerted into it small pieces of incense to represent the wounds Jesus received at the Crusifixion. The Candle is then lit, and the new flame pased from candle to candle as each member of the congregation lights their own candle. Te congregation then enter the darkened church where the new light is displayed and a hymn of exhaultation is sung. There are readings from the Old Testament, and from the New. The congregation are invited to renew their baptism vows and to use the concecrated water to mark their commitment by dipping fingers in the water and applying it to their foreheads. Then the first Eucharist of Easter is celebrated.

Easter Morning dawned overcast and wet, but this did not discourage a large congregation from attending the 10:am Eucharist. The Main Church and both Trancepts were full of families who came to celebrate the Resurection.

Christ is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed Alleluya!!

This wonderfully uplifting and hopeful service was celebrated with joy! The Choir sang 'Blessed be the God and Father'  words from 1 Peter, setting by Samel Sebastian Wesley. The Church was full of the most beautiful flowers appreciated the more after our long Lented period of none!

We began our journey to the Cross on Wednesday with a reflection on the stations of the cross in the evening. A beautifully stark reflection of Jesus last journey, with well known hymns and a reflection and prayer at each station, followed by the evening office of Compline made our start to the events of Holy Week.
The Service for Maundy Thursday, which marks the end of Lent and the beginning of Passion tide was held in the evening. The service reflects the events of the Last Supper,and was followed by the Gethsemane Watch. The choir sang 'Ave Verum' setting by Byrd, and the alter was stripped to the sound of Plainsong Psalm singing. A moving and solemn service indeed
On Good Friday we met for a Service of readings and music from the Cross of Christ. This lovely service which includes hymns and motets for Good Friday including music by Bach, Ousley, Stainer and others. This service, which tells the story of Jesus's Crucifixion, in scripture and music is a yearly reminder of the sacrifice made for us.
13 April 2014
A glorious sunny day for our Palm Sunday service with procession of Palms. We started in Church, where Father Stephen introduced the service, and the Choir, both junior and senior, sang Hosanna to the Son of David setting by Weekes, we then walked out of the Church for the blessing of the Palm crosses and then to the hymn 'All Glory Laud and Honour' we processed around the church, re-entering by the south door. As we approached the south door the Junior Choristers, ably assisted by Mrs Field, waved larger Palm branches and shouted 'Hosanna'. We returned to our seats for the first reading. Following the Gradual Hymn we had the Passion Gospel, from St Mark, with many members of the congregation reading the various parts, and the congregation crying 'Crucify' in response to Pilate's questions. We celebrated the Eucharist, and during communion the Choir sang 'Ave Verum' setting by WA Mozart.

Coffee was served after the service and followed immediately by the Annual Parish meeting. This meeting was very efficiently conducted, and we quickly re-elected our 2 Church Wardens, elected 2 new Deanery Synod Reps, and 2 members of the PCC. There was discussion about publishing more widely the minutes of the PCC meetings, and this was agreed. There was also a discussion about the Fete and whether it should continue to be on the Glebe field or move to the Recreation Ground. The meeting unanimously voted to have the Fete stay on the Glebe Field.

And so we enter Holy Week, Wednesday evening there are Stations of the Cross, Thursday evening the Maundy Thursday Service, on Good Friday there is a Meditation on the Cross at 2 pm, and on Easter Saturday evening the Easter Vigil . Next Sunday is of course Easter Sunday. We hope you will come and share Christ's journey to the Cross and Resurrection with us by attending some of these services.

Blessing of the Palms and Procession

The Annual Meeting

Our Palm Sunday Plate

08 April 2014
This morning at our 10 o'clock Eucharist, we had our family service, it being the first Sunday of the month. Unfortunately Father Stephen is unwell, so we were very happy to welcome Father David Gibbons, who kindly stepped in and took our services. The Gospel this morning told the story of the resurrection of Lazarus from St John's Gospel. Father David talked to us about this story, particularly to the children, and told us that this same resurrection happens inside us as we grow in the Holy Spirit through our Christian lives.
The Junior choristers were with the Adult choir this morning and together they sang 'O saviour of the World'  setting by John Stainer, from the longer work The Crucifixion.
Coffee was served after the service in the North Transept. Many Thanks to Father David for taking the service.

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week, we seem to have been waiting a long time to reach Holy Week with Easter being so late this year. We hope you will join us for the Palm Sunday Service to include a Procession with Palms, and stay afterwards for the Annual Parish Meeting, to listen to the reports and to elect Church Wardens, PCC members, and Deanery Synod representatives for the coming year.

 Do not for get the Organ Recital on the 27th of April in Church. Daniel Phillips will play a selection of pieces, followed by tea. Retiring collection for the New Parish Annex.

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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