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30 March 2014
This morning at our 10:00am Eucharist we had a special service to mark Mothering Sunday. The Church was full of families, coming together to thank God for all our mothers, our own Mothers, Mother Church and Mary the Mother of Our Lord. 
The Old Testament lesson and the address, read by Harriet Fowler covered the story of Hannah and Samuel. The Gospel gave us the story of the Annunciation. The Junior Choristers sang 'We thank you for our Mothers' a specially composed song for Mothering Sunday words by Dr L Bromley, Music by Miss B Rodd.
During communion the whole choir, Adult and Junior, sang 'Ave Maria' in the setting by Edward Elgar.
At the end of the service Father Stephen blessed the posies of flowers that had been prepared by the Sunday school, and they were distributed by the children to their Mothers. 

Coffee and Squash were served after the service accompanied by the most delicious ginger biscuits kindly donated by The Lytton Family. there was a slice of Simnel cake, prepared by the Sunday School for each member of the congregation to take home.

Two weeks today, on the 13th April, the Annual Parish Meeting after the Palm Sunday service, please do come and vote in a new PCC and Officers.

The posies

Distributing posies to the children

Gratefully received

24 March 2014
This morning at the Parish Eucharist we had a Baptism. Daisy Caroline was admitted to the Family of Christianity in the church where her Parents, Lizzy and Ed, were married, making it a particularly joyful  occasion.
The Gospel for today recounted the story of the Samaritan women at the well who Jesus asks to draw water for him. Father Stephen spoke about this theme of water, and the spiritual well that Christ allows us to draw from. We are refreshed by God in the three indivisible forms of the Trinity.
The Choir sang 'Call to rememberance' words from Psalm 25, setting by Richard Farrant (died 1580)

The service was followed by coffee in the North Transept.We are pleased to report that we now have coffee after all the 10 o'clock services, thanks to the volunteers who have come forward to serve this, and to Janet Harland who sets up the coffee, cups and the urn before the service.

Please come to the Annual Parochial Church meeting on Sunday 13th April after the Palm Sunday Service.

Don't forget the Organ Recital by Daniel Phillips on Sunday April 27th at 3:00 pm in Church followed by tea.

Lovely Spring Sunshine in our Lenten Church

16 March 2014
This morning is the third Sunday in the month, so our 10 o'clock service was Mattins. Another beautiful spring morning with blue skies and no wind, the churchyard looking beautiful with spring flowers we assembled for our service, The psalm set for the day was psalm 121, and, it being Lent we sang the Benedicite omnia opera instead of the Te Deum. The new testament lesson from St John's Gospel chapter three told of the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, and Father Stephen took up the story of Nicodemus in his sermon. The Choir sang 'O Saviour of the World' setting by J Goss.

NOTICE the Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on the 13th. of April following the service at approximately 11 o'clock. This is Palm Sunday, so the meeting will probably commence as soon after the end of the service as is possible. Everyone is most welcome to attend this meeting, but if you wish to vote you need to be on the Electoral Roll of St Mary's, the roll is displayed at the back of the Church.

Spring flowers

Our beautiful church in the spring sunshine
10 March 2014
On Ash Wednesday we met at 7:30 for a service of imposition of Ashes and Eucharist. Father Stephen, in his address, pointed out that this was the service where we contemplate our own mortality, remembering that we are dust and to dust we will return, a solemn start to the Lenten season. Lent is followed by Passion tide and then by the promise of Resurrection. The first Sunday in Lent, a gloriously sunny spring morning, we found the church bare of any flowers and our Lenten purple in place. The Gospel recounted the story of the Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness. Father Stephen discussed the problems of temptation!  The choir sang 'Hide not thou thy face' Words from Psalm 27, setting by Richard J Farrant (died 1580) arr Greening, at both services.

early spring sunshine

Flowers in the churchyard, but not in the church
03 March 2014
The first Sunday in March, our Family Eucharist with the Sunday School . we were given a talk by Lillian and Amy about Saint David, who was born between 462 and 512 AD he is believed to have died in 569 AD, he founded Monasteries and churches in Wales and Brittany.  His first miracle took place when preaching to a crowd and the ground on which he was standing rose up to form a hill, and a white dove, which became his emblem was seen settling on his shoulder. His saying in Welsh is 'be joyful and keep your faith and do the little things in life' is very good advice!
The junior choristers joined the choir to sing 'Ave Verum' in the setting by Edward Elgar.

Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday night at 7:30 with the imposition of ashes, come and start the Lenten season with us. Enjoy the pancakes on Tuesday first!!

Don't forget the Annual Parochial Church Meeting after the Palm Sunday service, this is your opportunity to read and discuss the Annual Report and to vote in a new PCC!!

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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