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24 February 2014
The last Sunday in the month, a Parish Eucharist, and a dry day, all causes for rejoicing! This morning we continued our preparation for Lent, and in his Sermon Father Stephen told us about the three S's, Speaking, Silence and Suffering. We must speak of our faith and inform others of the life of Jesus and his redemption of us. We must listen for the voice of God in the silence to be guided in our lives, and we must contemplate the Suffering of Christ as we come to Lent and then Passion tide. When we suffer ourselves, God is still with us. Father Stephen promises us further sets of 'Threes' as we go through Lent!
The Choir sang 'Tantum Ergo' the words of a medieval hymn by St Thomas Aquinas, in the setting by Louis Vierne.

Advanced Notice!! On April 27th at 3:00pm we are to have an Organ Recital by Daniel Phillips.Who  is Director of Music at Kings School Wimbledon. He will play pieces by J S Bach, Hayden, Elgar, and  other composers from the 18th 19th and 20th Century. This will be followed by a traditional Sidlesham Tea!!
More details to follow but put the date in your diary now!!

Spring is on the way

16 February 2014
This morning we came together under blue skies with no wind, a glorious change, for Matins.
Some 40 people, choir and congregation sang the Canticles, the first eight verses of Psalm 119, and three hymns. Readings from the King James version were from Ecclesiasticus and St Matthews Gospel. Father Stephen talked about our straight and narrow path of the Christian Life, leading between wisdom and innocence, likening it to walking on a narrow ridge on a mountain, and pointing out that these tests or choices that we have to make along the way, are as St Paul tells us, watched over by God, who never tests us too much. The Choir sang 'Lord for thy Tender Mercy's Sake' words from J Bull, Christian Prayers and Holy meditations (1568) music by Farrant edited by Anthony Greening, as the Anthem.

The Churchyard in the winter sunshine

Flowers to appreciate before we start Lent

09 February 2014
This Sunday in our Parrish Eucharist we had a Baptism. The parents of Michael Alfred chose to have his baptism as part of our service which was a great joy. His parents, God Parents, family and friends joined our regular congregation for the service. Father Stephen was helped by some of the older boys, who poured the water into the Font, and after signing with the specially blessed oil of Chrism, Michael was baptised and his Father was presented with a lighted candle to symbolise the light of Christ in which he will now live and grow.
We then went on to celebrate the Eucharist. After communion the Choir sang Ave Verum in the setting by Charles Gounod.
The Baptismal Party

Spring is on its way!

02 February 2014
Today was an historic day for St Mary our Lady. At the Family Service for Candlemas we admitted to the Choir 5 Junior Choristers who are following the Royal School of Church Music training and were admitted as full members of the Choir. This is the first time in at least 40 years junior choristers have been admitted, a wonderful occasion for everyone and a great and joyful sign of  the work of the Spirit in our community.
Seth, China, Hazel, Amy, and Lucy who is to be head Chorister, were presented to Father Stephen by Joanna Chilvers and were duly admitted, they receive their Cassocks and Lucy received her medal as Head Chorister. They then sang together the solo in 'Lead me Lord'  words from Psalms music by Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876).

In addition to this wonderful event, we also heard from Father Stephen about the festival of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. This occurs 40 days after Christmas and marks a turning point in the year as we move from thinking about Christ's birth and childhood and look forward to Lent and Easter and thinking about His Passion and Resurrection. We lit and held up individual candles during the Gospel from Luke recounting the events of the Presentation.  After Communion the Choir sang 'When  Mary to the Temple Whent' Translated from the German by J Troutbeck, Music by Johannes Eccard. At the end of the service Father Stephen blessed the new alter candles that we will use throughout this year. There was coffee after the service, and lots of photos of the new choristers and the whole choir were taken, thanks to Steve Amos for pressing the button!!

China, Amy, Lucy. Hazel and Seth our new Choristers

The whole Choir with Joanna

Lucy and Amy with Father Stephen

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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