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30 September 2013
This was the fifth Sunday of the month, so the main service was a Parish Eucharist. Once again Father Roger was the celebrant while Father Stephen is away.  The Gospel from St Luke told the story of the poor man Lazarus and the rich man who did not help him. Father Roger enlarged on this story in his sermon.
The Choir sang 'Never Weather beaten Sail' words by Thomas Campion (1567-1620) music by Charles Wood (1866-1926) as the anthem.

In the afternoon St Mary our Lady was host to an afternoon concert in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care. This concert featured Jacquelyn Fugelle, Soprano, and Hilary Platts Contralto, accompanied by Rex Latter. Emma Alexandra played the clarinet, accompanied by Mark Dancer at the piano. Our own Joanna Chivers and Beryl Rodd played a duet. The performances were fantastic and the audience most appreciative. This was followed in the Sidlesham tradition by tea. We wait to hear the amount raised.

Jacquelyn and Hilary

Rex Latter, Hilary Platts, Jacquelyn Fugelle, Mark Dancer, Emma Alexandra, Joanna Chivers & Beryl Rodd.

A fantastic £500 was raised from the concert for Macmillan Cancer Care. An enormous thank you to those who performed and those who so generously donated!!

Our next event is a concert by our friends from 'Off Centre' this time in aid of the Parish Rooms Project.
Sunday 20th of October at 7:00 pm
A mixture of secular and sacred music from this excellent choir.

More events in November and December so keep watching this site!
23 September 2013
The parish Eucharist today was celebrated by Father Roger. The Gospel, from St Luke, told us of Jesus sayings about the dangers of dishonesty with worldly things, with the story of the dishonest steward. In his sermon Father Roger enlarged on this reading, and asked us if we were using our time profitably for God. The Choir sang the 'Alleluya of St James' as the anthem. There was coffee after the service.
September draws on and the church yard trees have ripening fruit, and out flowers continue to be glorious.

Do remember that next Sunday afternoon at 3pm an afternoon of music and refreshment will take place in Church. This is in aid of Macmillan Cancer care, do come along!

16 September 2013

Our Matins Service today was taken by Father Roger, as Father Stephen was away. The Psalm for the day was Psalm 14, and the Readings from the King James Version of the Bible were from Exodus and St John's Gospel. Father Roger explained that this Sunday was being kept as Holy Cross day, an opportunity to think about the Cross and its significance away from the heightened emotion of Holy Week and Easter. He considered the need for Jesus to make the sacrifice of the cross and how this might be viewed, but in the end, his sacrifice has set us free from sin.

The Choir sang 'Lord for thy tender mercy's sake' Words  Bull, Music Farrant arr Greening.

The Harvest Supper is to be on Saturday the 5th of October tickets are 4 pounds and can be obtained from Chris Field or Elizabeth Alwyn.

We have 2 Musical Events coming up as part of the parish new Rooms Project Fund raising. Our friends from Off centre who launched the fund raising are returning to see us on the 20th October at 7:30 They sing a wide mix of music so there is something for every one do come along. Then on November 3rd we are having an afternoon concert by a group of saxophonists more details to follow! Put the dates in your diary now!!

10 September 2013
This Sunday, being the festival of the birth of the Virgin Mary we celebrated the Eucharist of our Patronal Festival. Father Stephen took his text from the opening of St Mathews Gospel the ancestry of Jesus. Looking into our ancestry has become very popular these days. Father Stephen pointed out that the most important part of this ancestry was the role of Mary accepting to be the mother of Jesus, and from then on we were to be saved from our sins. The Medieval title St Mary our Lady is preserved in the name of our Church, and Father Stephen was happy to have, as his last church, a St Mary out Lady.
St Mary our Lady

02 September 2013
The first Sunday of September, many people are still on holiday and the Suday School has not yet reconvened, so our family service included intersessions by Janet Harland our Churchwarden, and Father Stephen took the opportunity to give us all a reminder about the symbolism of the servers and the vestments and the process of celebrating the Eucharist, the Chalice and Pattern and how this family meal is conducted as the center of our worship. This was very instructive for the children present but also  for a good many adults as well!! We sang a communion hymn as the Choir are not quite all back from holiday either! Next Sunday we shall celebrate the birth of St Mary our Lady as our Patronal Festival.

September berries

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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