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30 June 2013
On Saturday the 29th of June, a special Eucharist was held in Celebration of Father Stephen's Silver Jubilee. A perfect English summers day provided a wonderful setting for this joyous occasion. The Church was filled with fellow Clergy, members of the Guild of the servers of the Sanctuary,and Society of the Holy Cross, family, friends from afar and from the congregation. Fr Stephen, attired in silver vestments for the occasion celebrated the Eucharist with the Clery present. The address was given by Fr Roger Jackson SSC Vicar of the Church of St John the Evangelist, Clevedon. Fr Stephen and Fr Roger had been students together at Chichester Theological College, and Fr Roger told us of some of their early experiences in Parish Placements. He explored the role of Priest, its challenges and its joys, and congratulated Fr Stephen on achieving his Silver Jubilee!
The congregation sang some of Fr Stephen's choice of Hymns, and the Choir sang 'Laudate Dominum' by WA Mozart, solo by Sarah Amos.
Following the service all were invited back to the Vicarage where the ladies of the WI put on a splendid lunch, the house and garden were filled with joy as everyone wished Fr Stephen well. A magnificent cake was cut and a short speech made by Fr Stephen's Brother, champagne and cake were distributed and a toast to Fr Stephen proposed and drunk!
A wonderful occasion, many congratulations from us all!!

Some lovely pictures thanks to Susan, Stephen and Margaret's daughter

This Sunday, being a fifth Sunday of the month, our service was a Parish Eucharist, but a special service for Sea Sunday. The music had a nautical theme, with hymns including 'Will you Anchor Hold' and 'Eternal Father Strong to Save' and the anthem was 'Never Weatherbeaten Sail' Words by Thomas Campion (1567-1620) and music by Charles Wood (1866-1921).
This was a twin celebration as we also have the festival of St Peter and St Paul on this Sunday. The New Testament reading told the story of Peter's miraculous release from prison and the Gospel, from Luke, was the story of the miraculous catch of fish. The Junior Choir sang a song which recounted this gospel story.
 The guest preacher Rev Dudley Gummer told us about the work of the Mission to Seafarers in over 200 ports through out the world. He explained how all the food and other goods that we buy are bought to us largely by ship. He told us about the work of chaplains and ships visitors who care for the souls and the wellbeing of the seafarers on these ships, regardless of creed, colour or culture. It was a most fascinating insight into the life of those who make their living at sea and the Christian work being done.
The 42 hats that have been knitted for the Mission to Seafarers as a result of the Knit-a-thon back in March were on display in the church, and Father Stephen blessed them, they will now be sent off to the Mission to Seafarers for distribution.

the hats displayed together in the shape of a ship!

Fr Stephen blesses the hats

Close up of the finished hats

Ready to be parcelled up and sent off to the Mission to Seafarers

24 June 2013
This Sunday our Eucharist  marked the festival of the Nativity of John the Baptist. The Gospel reading, from Luke, recounted Mary's visit ot Elizabeth John's Mother. In his sermon Father Stephen spoke of the need to persevere with prayer to live a christian life. The choir sang 'How Beautiful upon the Mountain' as the Anthem. The service was followed by coffee in the North Transept.

Next weekend we have two lovely evens happening, on Saturday Father Stephen will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of his Ordination as Priest with a special service at 12:00 noon, to which all are welcome. Sunday is one of the fifth Sundays of the year and we shall be celebrating 'Sea Sunday' At this service we shall  have a guest preacher, the Rev Dudley Gummer, from the Mission to seafarers. We now have more than 40 woolly hats knitted by the Knit a thon Knitters and these will be displayed and blessed during the service before they are sent off to the Mission to Seafarers do come and join us!
17 June 2013
This Sunday, being the third sunday of June, our service was Matins. 30 or so people joined us and Father Stephen lead the service. Joanna our Organist was away this weekend, so we must thank Michael Walsh for kindly taking Choir Practice and playing for the service. The choir, also rather reduced in numbers, non the less sang 'Almighty and Everlasting God' music by Orlando Gibbons.

The PCC met this week, here is an unusual panaramic picture of the meeting

On Sunday evening we were entertained by the Jazz Smugglers an fantastic evening was spent in workshop style, with the band playing various styles of jazz which was beautifully explained by John, their leader. Members of the audience joined in, some members of the Choir learned a bit about singing jazz in the 'scat' style, and one of the audience joined in on guitar with very impressive talent!! A retiring collection raised £100 towards the new parish rooms. It was a realy enjoyable evening, something quite different from our usual music and great fun! Many thanks to all the Jazz Smugglers.

Jazz Smugglers with some Choir members joining in!
09 June 2013
This morning we met  for our  Parish Eucharist, and to hear Hans Florin  preach for the last 'official' time. Hans is a Lutheran Pastor who has lived in Sidlesham for many years and preached many times. His reflections on the Stations of the Cross in Holy Week have become part of out Easter preparations. He is going to live in America and rejoin a Lutheran Church there. He will of course always be welcome to join us at St Mary's as Preacher or as member of the congregation.

The Eucharist was very well attended as many people came to say goodbye to Hans. The Choir sang the Mozart 'Ave Verum' as the Anthem, and to mark Hans' German origins the final hymn was 'Glorious things of the are spoken'.

Just before the Blessing Father Stephen presented Hans with a gift from all his friends at St Marys, a Silver model of the Church made by Timothy Roe of Chichester. The Choir sang the Clare Benediction by John Rutter. Hans then gave us the Lutheran Blessing in German.

After the service there was a social time for chatting, and a glass of wine. The Sunday School children arrived to say good bye, and although he is not going quite yet, it is true to say that we reached the end of an era at St Marys. Good luck in the future to Hans and Eve from every one at St Marys.

02 June 2013
In glorious sunshine we met for our family service of Holy Communion today to celebrate both the Anniversary of the Coronation and the Feast of Corpus Christie the celebration of the initiation of the sacrament of Holy Communion.
During the service the Sunday School, with the help of a couple of adults, performed a sketch in which God (represented by Churchwarden Janet Harland) the Queen (Interpreted by Dame Jenny Trimble) and and ordinary Christian member of Sunday School, had a discussion about Faith, Duty, our understanding of what God wants from us, and the tolerance of other religions, the dialogue was instructive and amusing and the participants received a well deserved round of aapplause!
During the Communion the choir sang 'Rejoice in the Lord Always' and at the end of the service, following special prayers for the Queen we sang the first two verses of the National Anthem. Joanna played 'Crown Imperial' at the end of the service.

Don't forget the Jazz Smugglers visit on Sunday 16th June at 7:30. On Sunday 30th June we will be celebrating 'Sea Sunday' when we shall be blessing the hats knitted at the Knit-a -thon before they are sent off to the Mission to Seafarers and we shall have a guest preacher from the Mission.
A Crown of Flowers from Our Flower Arrangers Silver Jubilee display

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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