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31 March 2013
Easter Sunday morning was a glorious sunny day with clear blue skies. The church, filled with beautiful flowers, glowed in the sunlight. A large congregation joined in traditional Easter hymns, and the choir sang 'Glorious and Powerful God' by Charles V Stanford op.135, No 3. After the Eucharist, Father Stephen and the serving team distributed Easter eggs to the children.
Happy Easter! Christ is Risen, Alleluia!
Easter Sunday morning Eucharist

lighting the candles on Easter Morning

Great News the sponsership money from the Knit a thon is nearly all in and it looks as though we have raised nearly £1000, a massive thank you to the knitters and their sponsers!! Hats are coming in fast and we shall have more than 20 hats to send off to the Mission to Seafarers on Sea Sunday in July.
Our next event is the Spring Concert of Piano music to be given by our good friend Tom Cooper Price at 3:00pm on April 21st in Church followed by tea, do come along!
30 March 2013
The Holy Week Services at St Marys, which started on Wednesday with the Stations of the Cross and Compline, continued on Maundy Thursday with The Maunday service and Gethsemane Watch. The service included the traditional ceremony of washing of feet. 4 members of the congregation came forward and took part in this, and as Father Stephen performed the washing, the Choir sang Ubi Caritas. At the end of the service the alter was stripped and the watch vigil began in the North Transept.
On Good Friday at 2:00pm a Devotional Service of music and readings 'The Cross of Christ' took place. Readings from the Old Testament and the Gospel of St John told the Passion Story. Music included 'O Saviour of the World' words from the Aniphon at the Visitation of the Sick from the Book of Common Prayer, Music By John Goss, and 'Is it nothing to You.' words from Lamentations and music by Frederick Gore Ouseley.
the New Flame is passed on
The Light is carried into the darkened Church

The New Pascal Candle alight next to the Alter

On Holy Saturday at 7:30 the lighting of the Pascal Candle and the first Eucharist of Easter took place. Again Old and New Testament readings and the passing of the new light into the church, the renewal of Baptism vows and the declaration of faith bring to our minds the Resurrection of Our Lord, and our own re birth as Christians.
25 March 2013
Palm Sunday bought weather more suitable for Christmas, very cold with a biting east wind. Non the less those of the congregation who were able joined the procession of Palms around the  outside of the Church, holding up their Palm Crosses and singing 'All Glory Laud and Honour' . the Procession was lead by Father Stephen and the Acolytes and Crucifer accompanied by a real donkey, closely attended by his owner, local farmer and ice cream maker Caroline Spiby and her sons. The congregation was glad to return to the warm church, where the service continued with a reading of the Passion Gospel by several members, young and old, lead by Mike Fowler.  The choir sang 'Ave, Maria' by Edward Elgar Op 2 No 2. The service was followed by coffee and the Annual Meeting.
At the Annual Meeting the Church Wardens, Janet Harland and Chris Field, were unanimously re-elected, Father Stephen thanked Janet and Chris for all their hard work throughout the year. A new PPC was adopted unopposed, and the annual report presented and accepted. Mike Fowler presented his Treasurers Report, warning us that costs are likely to rise in the future.

Palm cross, All glory Laud and Honour'
And so we enter Holy Week, and follow Jesus to the Cross and onwards to Resurrection and Joy. Please do look at the calender for services during Holy Week and Easter and we hope to see you at the services. 
18 March 2013
This Sunday was the third of the month, and therefore our 10 o'clock service was Mattins. Once again the readings were from the King James version of the Bible, we sang the Benedicitie as set by Lloyd. The Choir sang 'The Crown of Roses' music by Tchaikovsky, from 'Songs for the Young'.
Do look at the latest set of plans for the new annex the Parish Rooms. They are displayed on the board at the back of the church.
We are preparing for the great journey through Holy Week to Easter Sunday, please do join us for the Holy Week services, Stations of the Cross on Wednesday, The Maundy Thursday service, the Cross of Christ on Good Friday at 2:00pm, and the Easter Vigil on Saturday evening. As Fr Stephen pointed out, the great joy of Easter Morning is intensified by taking part in the Holy Week services with their opportunity to contemplate the suffering of Christ prior to his Glorious Resurrection.

Our next fund raising event will be a concert by Tom Cooper Price on the afternoon of Sunday 21st April at 3:00pm in Church, followed by Tea, every one welcome, a retiring collection will be taken up.

Dont Forget Next Sunday, Palm Sunday procession with Palms plus after the Service the Annual Parish Meeting. If you are on the Electoral roll, or regularly worship at St Mary's you are welcome to this meeting, come and hear what we have achieved in the last year, and our plans for next year!!!

Saturday afternoon 15 intrepid knitters arrived at the Vicarage and promptly at 2:30 commenced knitting! After 45 minutes of intense knitting we broke for tea and cakes, then back to the fray and another 30 minutes of knitting. Prizes were given for the three longest pieces of knitting, and in due course we expect to recieve 15 woolly hats to send off to the Mission to Seafarers. Some of our gallant knitters had already produced a hat to the pattern so we will have even more hats to actually send off. Sponsor money is rolling in towards the New Parrish Rooms. The latest plans, including the proposed link corridor are on display in Church.Here are some pictures of the team and the tea including the fantastic cakes, thanks Amanda! Also thanks to Margaret for hosting and providing tea.

Knitting underway

the team

The cake is cut
11 March 2013
Mothering Sunday
Giving out the flowers
This Sunday we had our Family Service as it was Mothering Sunday. There were many families in Church together, and the Address, telling the story of Mother Theresa, was given by two Dads, one Mum and the children. The Junior Choir sang a Happy Mothering Sunday song. The Senior Choir sang Mary's Magnificat words and music by Andrew Carter, Janet Harland sang the solo. At the end of the service, posies of flowers were distributed by the children to their Mothers.
Posies ready for distribution

The next meeting of the Lent Group is this Thursday at the Vicarage at 7:30 we will be discussing forms of prayer particulaly quite prayer. On Saturday its the Knit-a-thon so still a few days to sign up to sponser a knitter!!
06 March 2013
This Sunday, the first in the month was a Parish Eucharist, as we are having our Family service next Sunday for Mothering Sunday. The Gospel for this Sunday, from St Luke, in which Jesus calls us all to repent of our sins.The Choir sang 'Call to Remembrance' words from Psalm 25, music by Richard Farrant (died 1589) edited by Anthony Greening. Do come along on Mothering Sunday for the Family Service, and don't forget the Knit-a-thon On Saturday 16th March, If you haven't sponsored one of the knitters yet, why not do so this Sunday?

Service Times

First Sunday in the Month:
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Family Service

Second Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Sung Matins in the Church or Crafty Communion in Church Hall

Fourth Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
10:00am Parish Eucharist

Variations can be found in the Parish Magazine or the Calendar at the bottom of this page.

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