The first weekend in February and our services were an all age Eucharist at 10 am. To make the story of the presentation of Our Lord in the ...
We reach the last Sunday in January and our 10 am service was a Eucharist celebrated by Father Chris. We continue to look at the early life ...
the third Sunday in January and a choice of services at 10 am. In the Church Matins and in the Hall, crafty communion. The choir sand the Be...
Isaiah 43:1-7 A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah. Thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: D...
The Feast of the Epiphany was celebrated by two services. first in the morning at 10 am we had an all age Eucharist which included the plac...
We came together this morning at 10 o'clock for our Eucharist service. The weather has been very cold in recent weeks, but plenty of peo...
At 6pm we met for our traditional service of 9 Lessons and Carols. The Church was bathed in candle light and the Congregation and choir san...
This morning, the third Sunday in February we had 2 services at 10 am. In the Church Hall the youngsters and their families had Crafty Commu...
The Sunday after the Fete and we had an 'end of term' feeling in church today. Father Roger took the service a Parish Eucharist, an...
The Christmas Eve service saw a full congregation enjoy the anticipation of the birth of Jesus in the traditional way. The church was beautifully decorated, and the crib set up to mark the start of the christmas season.The music included O come All ye Faithful and Hark the Herald Angels sing. The choir sang 'Christmas Night by John Rutter.
A full congregation heard the Christmas story told in lessons from Genesis, Isaiah, St Luke, St Matthew, and St John.
The Choir and Congregation sang Once in Royal David's City, Long ago Prophets knew, O come O come Emmanuel, The first Nowell and O come all ye faithful.
The Choir sang Adam lay y'bounden By Boris Ord, A Maiden Most Gentle by Andrew Carter, Away in a Manger, Kirkpatrick, arr Wilcocks, In Dulci Jubilo, by Pearsall, Torches,by J Joubert, and Ding Dong Merrily on High, harmony by C Wood.
The children's choir sang the first verse of One in Royal David's City, and the third verse of Away in a Manger unaccompanied. It was a delight to have the children contribute to this service.
Please look at the calender for the other Christmas services at St Mary our Lady, and we wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas.
On Sunday November the 25th we held our Advent Wreath making afternoon. The completed wreaths were blessed by Father Roger and everyone partook of an excellent tea. It was a very successful event, enjoyed by every one and also raised £200 towards the New Church Rooms project. Many thanks to Anwyl, Shirley who provided tea, and Chris who donated the candles.
The New Rooms project is going forwards, fund raising has been very successful, please look at the notice board in Church to see the current total, over £200,000 so far. The committee who are guiding the project have had a busy year working with the architects and the authorities including the Diocesan Advisory Committee and English Heritage on what will be practical, aesthetically acceptable, and fulfil the needs of the congregation and the wider parish. We are making progress, and have received useful guidance from the authorities. We are undertaking an archaeological survey of the proposed site, and look forward to moving through the process of design and approval for the New Rooms in the New Year. Please keep watching the website, and attending the fund raising events, which we hope you are also enjoying!
A list of events for 2013 will appear here and in Church straight after Christmas.
It's that time of year when we have to clear the gutters and drainage runs of the church of leaves etc. 'before the winter storms begin'. As with all of this type of job, many hands make light work and if so could you spare some time to help on the morning of Saturday 12th October, please join us. We will be there between 9:00am and noon.
The Church Wardens
For more information please Contact Us »
To everyone who supported the Summer fete in any way—allowing us to use your land, tents, tables etc, sponsoring activities, helping to set up and clear away, donating items, entering the mini show, manning activities on the field or coming and spending your money. The financial results are in the church porch and will be published in the September Parishioner. Thank you again.
Father Stephen and the Churchwardens
Many residents opened their gardens over the Jubilee weekend, also in aid of the New Rooms project. Between these events we have raised over a thousand pounds towards the new building!
On SundayJune the 10th we held a Gift Service, a Choral Evensong at which we were delighted to welcome the Dean of Chichester Cathedral the Very Reverend Nicholas Frayling. The Dean preached an excellent and inspiring sermon, and joined us for tea and cakes afterwards. The Gifts and Pledges made at this service, added to our existing activities means that we are half way to our projected target for the Building Project. In the mean time, the submission of plans continues and we hope that we will be able to report progress in that direction soon!
Jubilee Tea in the Church Hall |
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Jubilee flowers in church |
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Dr Martin Clive Warner |
Fr Stephen
The Dean of Wakefield's wife Pamela Greener has written and performed a campaigning ditty in the demolished nave of Wakefield Cathedral as part of the CofE campaign to halt Government VAT plans unveiled in the budget. The YouTube recording has been sent to the Chancellor, George Osborne's Office and HMRC.
The cathedral is one of thousands of CofE buildings that will be affected if the Government goes ahead with introducing VAT on listed building alterations. Campaigners are being urged to sign the two e-petitions to bring back zero rate VAT to alterations to the CofE's 12,500 listed churches.
Access Epetition 1 here »
Access Epetition 2 here »
Wishing everyone a Happy Easter, Christ is Risen Alleluia!
Some photos of the wonderful flowers are shown, including the new Pascal Candle and the Resurrection garden..
Two recent events have helped to move us further towards the new rooms project. On March 3rd the afternoon concert given by Tom Cooper Price was a great success, Tom played pieces by Bach, Brahms and Schumann, giving a brilliant performance which was greatly appreciated by all who attended. Tea in the South Transept was well up to Sidlesham standards and over £200 was raised, final figure waiting the Gift Aid donation.
Last Saturday, in the Church Hall we had another virtuoso performance, but this time in cooking not music! Dr Hilary Platts delighted her hungry audience with a tasting of 6 different puddings, each accompanied by a different pudding wine Atholl Brose, Sticky Toffee Pudding, Rhubarb Crumble with Caroline's Dairy Ice Cream, Banoffee pie, Lemon Sponge and a Mousse of 5 Chocolates were presented in turn. Needless to say no one left feeling hungry!! It was a lovely social evening, and thanks to generous donations of both food and wine, and the raffle of 2 beautiful cakes the total raised on the night was £495 pounds, but gift aid will also be collected on some of this so the total will rise! Many congratulations to Head Chef Hilary, and her team of sous chef Janet, and front of house staff Michael Lesley and other helpers from the audience! The evening was sponsored in part by Tesco Chichester and the Apple and Pear Juice was kindly provided by Sussex Orchards part of Self Unlimited Southcoast, Walberton. Thanks go to both organisations.
Last Sunday for Mothering Sunday we had the children in church with us and a lovely family service, including the distribution of posies of flowers to the Mums, and a lusty rendering of 'Guide Me Oh Thou Great Redeemer' as our last hymn, perhaps some Welsh connection there? (hint: where does our Director of Music come from and which country won the rugby Grand Slam?)
Coming up we have an afternoon recital by Tom Cooper Price, a very talented young pianist, on Saturday 3rd of March at 2:30 in the afternoon, followed by Tea. Also do get your tickets for the Pudding Tasting Evening on 17th March from the Church Wardens £10 each.
We have talked alot about the Fundraising aspects of the New Rooms, but behind the scenes your committee have been working on the plans for the rooms. We are hoping to have a set of drawings both outline and perspective drawings of the proposed project from the Architect before the end of March to display in the Church for everyone to see what we are getting for your kindly donated money
Coming up before that we have the St Richards Singers and Players in church at 6:30pm this Sunday, Tom Cooper-Price will give a piano recital in the afternoon of 3rd of March followed by tea, and do buy your ticket for the Pudding Tasting evening on the 17th of March, available now from the Church Wardens, all in aid of the New Church Rooms!!
After the great success of our Advent wreath making, this month we are having a Cheese and Wine evening with a silent auction, it is taking place on Saturday 21st January - yes this saturday, in the church hall. Tickets from the Church Wardens, and to date there are over 50 items up for auction!
In February we are being treated to a feast of music and singing from the St Richards Singers and the St Richards Players, come along on February the 5th at 6:30 in the church, there will be refreshments in the interval and a retiring collection for your donations to the fund.
March has two events. First off we have a Piano recital in church from Tom Cooper-Price. This is going to be an afternoon event, 2:30 on Saturday March 3rd in the Church, and will be followed by tea, again a retiring collection, so open to everyone, it will be a lovely afternoon.
Back to the Church Hall on the evening of the 17th of March for an evening of Pudding Tasting!!! 6 Puddings, prepared by Dr Hillary Platts will be available for tasting, each accompanied by an appropriate wine to taste along side. Tickets are available at £10 each come along and have a night off from the Lenten resolutions in aid of a good cause.
Service Times
10:00am Family Service
Second Sunday in the Month
10:00am Parish Eucharist
Third Sunday in the Month
08:00am Holy Communion
08:00am Holy Communion